- The MMT fraud in slow motion, so that even economists can get it
- The page where Stephanie Kelton gets macroeconomics wrong
- Proving Bill Mitchell wrong ― burying MMT for good
- The memorable Kelton/Trump victory against WeThePeople
- MMTers are too stupid for science but well-suited as useful idiots
- A rather incomplete list of MMT fake scientists
- Political fraud and the silence of academia
- MMT pushes the Oligarchy's agenda ― and they push MMT
- MMT refuted in three easy steps
- From the debt economy to the gift economy: how America is brainwashed to love budget deficits
- MMT — an exercise in newspeak
- MMT works just fine
- Advancing humanity. Really?
- MMT: nice try to paint it pink
- MMT ― now official doctrine
- The counterfeit currency printers
- MMT ― a Wall Street myth
- What Is MMT? (II) ― Short Version
- MMT Basics
- The value of money and the worthlessness of economics
- Wikipedia, economics, scientific knowledge, or political agenda pushing?
- Master of MMT ― Master of proto-scientific garbage
- MMTers: too stupid for simple math
- Economics: Not a pretty story
- Economics, MMT, and the corruption of science
- Another MMT shitshow
- Bill Mitchell, MMT, Progressives: economists as Oligarchy hacks
- Stephanie Kelton: “All deficits are good for someone” Yes, Someone=Oligarchy
- The problem with economics as a discipline
- Why MMTers permanently explode 'myths of public deficits'
- Mankiw vs Mitchell ― another clown show
- Blowing smoke about bipartisan failure
- MMT: Corbynism is dead, British Labour is next
- Mission accomplished: Economists as useful idiots of the Oligarchy
- Economic backstabbing: Bill Mitchell hits again
- Q: How are you going to pay for it? MMT: By stealth taxation!
- How Randall Wray takes the piss out of the House Budget Committee
- Bill Mitchell’s pure MMT teachings for British Labour
- Exploding the Household Fallacy
- A beginner’s guide to MMT
- Gosh! the One Percent have gotten $21 trillion richer: Links on Distribution
- The state of MMT? Stone-dead!
- MMT/GND: Another case of bad people capturing a good cause
- Swabian housewife vs Wall Street loan shark
- Is MMT Alt-Right? No, it is fake science
- How MMT disgraces itself
- MMT undermines democracy
- Trump and MMT: Make profits great again
- The decisive reason to worry about government debt
- MMT, voodoo, and dead horse beating
- Bill Mitchell ― Wall Street’s hitman keeps an eye on MMT defeatists
- Prophet Stephanie divines the seizure of the means of production of currency
- How Stephanie Kelton brain-washes a lovely young English girl
- The right and the wrong way to bring money into the economy
- A less than 320 words explanation of why MMT is a fraud
- MMTers are false Progressives and false Friends-of-the-People
- Is MMT good for WeThePeople or for the Oligarchy?
- MMT and the woes of useful political idiots
- Totally schizo ― MMT and policy
- MMT: The communicative war on budget-balancers
- MMT has an offer that Labour cannot refuse
- Are economics professors really that incompetent? Yes!
- MMT’s true program
- MMT: A new myth for WeThePeople
- MMT: A Trojan Horse for Labour courtesy of the Oligarchy
- For MMT = For the Oligarchy
- Against the mainstream! Against MMT!
- Controlled demolition of MMT ― an exercise in elementary logic
- Links on MMTers push Wall Street’s agenda
- Stephanie Kelton sells children into debt slavery
- Quick MMT 101 refutation
- The missing elephant of full employment policy
- MMT: doom or survival?
- No MMT illusions! YOU are going to pay for it
- Links on Austerity
- MMT and the Green New Deal: Where is the snag? (II)
- Just one more day: How deficit-spending delays the breakdown of Capitalism
- How to pay for the war and to be bamboozled by economists
- MMT, money, value, and transcendental Capitalism
- Economics a science? Surely you are joking, Mr. Cochrane
- Settling the MMT―Inflation issue for good
- Economics ― nothing but claptrap, twaddle, drivel, slip-slop, wish-wash, waffle, and proto-scientific garbage
- Mad but true: 200+ years after Adam Smith economists still have no idea what profit is
- Macroeconomics: Economists are too stupid for science
- Safe assets ― how the State pampers the Oligarchy
- MMT: economics for suckers
- Economics, MMT, and the capture of science by the political mob
- How a Swedish professor cares about the Oligarchy’s financial well-being
- Dear idiots, it is deficit spending that creates the distribution people complain about
- From Keynes’ fatal blunder to the true economic model
- Dear idiots, MMTers are Wall Street’s agenda pushers
- MMTers: too much thought-reading, too little thinking
- MMT is an economic policy fraud
- MMT vs Mainstream: examining proto-scientific garbage in detail
- Dear idiots, government deficits do NOT fund private savings
- MMT: fundamentally false
- Love and hate in economics: the PsySoc shell game
- MMT vs WSJ: Another futile exercise in moron bashing
- Meet the MMT smart arses
- MMT is better than mainstream economics but still not good enough
- The public-debt and private-profit pushers
- Economics: The proto-scientific mob embroiled in just another gang war
- Where MMT goes off the rails
- The retirement of a fake scientist and real agenda pusher
- Refuting MMT’s Macroeconomics Textbook
- Hype does not help: MMT is toast
- The clock runs down on economics
- Too much ado about deficit spending
- MMT-Refutation for Dummies
- Paul’s and Stephanie’s economic delirium talk
- Economists: Either stupid or corrupt or both
- Dear idiots, time to get saving and investment straight (II)
- Links on Lars Syll’s ‘What’s wrong with MMT? Nothing!’
- How counterfeiters save America with an extra profit and make WeThePeople pay for it
- Economists: Trolls with a mortarboard
- Economics as a cover for agenda pushing
- MMT for beginners
- Misrepresenting MMT
- Some nasty MMT surprises behind the time horizon
- Dear idiots, government deficits do NOT cause inflation
- Krugman vs MMT ― like the blind talking about colors
- The half-truths and half-falsehoods of MMT
- Understanding public deficits, money, and profit
- Opinion, conversation, interpretation, blather: the economist’s major immunizing stratagems
- Fraud comes always in the cloak of philanthropy, salvation, or threat of doom
- The day when WeThePeople sends debt-deranged economists to hell
- Thinking about economic policy for future PM Corbyn
- What and where is profit?
- From MMT misunderstandings to the true Theory of Money
- A clueless MMTer explains macroeconomics to clueless beginners
- MMT ― backstop or advanced life support for the Oligarchy?
- MMT: If you’ve got a problem, I don’t care what it is, let me help
- MMT vs The Rest of Economics ― a Punch and Judy show
- MMT: Distribution is the drawback NOT Inflation
- Stephanie Kelton and the self-destructive stupidity of the super-rich
- Economics as storytelling and entertainment for the masses
- Here is the long-overdue scientific death certificate for Marx and Marxists
- Stephanie Kelton on how to become fabulously wealthy
- Both Austrianism and MMT is proto-scientific garbage
- MMT and the clash of old and new agenda pushers
- The misleading nitty-gritty defense of MMT principles
- What is wrong with MMT? and What is wrong with Brad DeLong?
- MMT’s virtue-signaling distracts from failure/fraud
- MMT: How to get out of the infinite meta-communication loop
- MMT: Not a joke but a fraud
- Warren Mosler: scientific dilettante and political fraudster
- Stephanie Kelton’s legendary Plain-Sight-Ink-Trick
- MMT is NOT bold policy but spineless fraud
- Debunking idiots does not prove that MMT is valid
- MMT: The art of shooting oneself in the head
- MMT: An overdose of public-debt tranquilizers for WeThePeople
- Trust in economics as a science?
- MMT sucks
- MMT Progressives: The knife in the back of WeThePeople
- MMT: The fusion of Wall Street and Academia
- You are fighting for life? On all fronts? MMT can save you! Or maybe not?
- MMT: Time to say goodbye
- Economics: A pointless left-right wrestling show
- MMT = Trumponomics
- MMT and Marxism: A debate between proto-scientific zombies
- Macroeconomics: Drain the scientific swamp
- How MMT makes everybody happy
- MMT: A free lunch for the Oligarchy
- The MMT defenders of interest on public debt: stupid or corrupt or both?
- Keynes, Kalecki, MMT, and the accidental invention of the perpetual profit machine
- MMT in a nutshell
- #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit #MMT #JustAnotherFraud
- Oxford economics — still at the proto-scientific level
- MMT and the overall political corruption of economics
- Very busy these days: Wall Street’s agents
- MMT, Warren Mosler, and the little helpers from Wall Street and Academia
- MMT: agenda-pushing and money-making for the Oligarchy
- Mission impossible: economists join WeThePeople
- Dean Baker: progressive agenda pusher for the Oligarchy
- Stephanie and Noah ― economics at the intellectual zero lower bound
- Why the MMT benefactors of humanity never talk about profit
- MMT = Modern Monetary Trash
- Smart! How to make people fund their brain-washing
- Good news for the one-percenters
- Both Mainstreamer and MMTer are either stupid or corrupt or both
- Forget mainstream economics, scrap MMT, move on to the new paradigm
- Both mainstream economics and MMT are axiomatically false
- MMT and the single most stupid physicist
- MMT: How the Oligarchy communicates with WeThePeople
- Secret Champagne for the MMT gods
- Why the British Labor Party should NOT adopt MMT
- MMT-Progressives: stupid or corrupt or both?
- Lock them up
- MMT, Bill Mitchell, and the lack of basic scientific integrity
- How Bill Mitchell stalks Jeremy Corbyn
- MMTers are NOT Friends-of-the-People
- How Keynesians, Lernerians, MMTers make the Oligarchy great
- Debunking MMT in one Counter-Tweet
- The MMT-Yawner: Government is not a household
- The Magic Money Tree is real ― too bad that the magic is fraud
- MMT is criminal economics
- MMT: How mathematical incompetence helps the Kelton-Fraud
- The first to leave the sinking MMT ship?
- The Kelton-Fraud
- Profit: after 200+ years, economists are still in the woods
- What’s the use of economists?
- MMTers make capitalism work
- Wikipedia and the promotion of economists’ idiotism (II)
- Wrapping up the MMT narrative
- Richard Murphy: the MMT fraudster dressed up as realist
- MMT: Richard Murphy’s battle-for-money hoax
- The Third Way: Towards the Happy Zero-Tax economy
- Neoclassics and MMT ― much like pest and cholera
- Austerity and the political games Progressives play
- Additional proof of MMT’s inconsistency
- How MMT enlightens Washington
- Progressive shell games
- Marx’s bicentennial ― nothing to discuss, nothing to celebrate
- Poor Schumpeter — abused as a testimonial for MMT
- Poor Wicksell — abused as a testimonial for MMT
- MMT: Just another political fraud
- MMT: So-called progressives as trailblazers for Trumponomics
- MMT and the inflation-red-herring
- MMT vs Keynesianism: nothing to chose
- MMT vs Neoliberalism: Just another clown show
- MMT is dead: An unfriendly critique of Bill Mitchell
- Non-lethal and lethal critique of MMT
- Bill Mitchell, MMT’s fake scientist
- DSGE and profit―forget it! MMT and profit―forget it!
- MMT is idiocy and fraud
- How MMT fools the ninety-nine-percenters
- Political economics: Who hijacks British Labour?
- MMT: Academic snake oil for the people
- Deficits matter for distribution
- Economics: a comedy of errors full of intrigue and aberration
- MMT: miscommunication, mistakes, misdirection
- Cryptoeconomics ― the best of Bill Mitchell’s spam folder
- Macro for retarded economists
- Are MMTers stupid or corrupt or both?
- MMT = proto-scientific junk + deception of the 99-percenters
- MMT and grassroots movements
- Down with idiocy!
- The creation and value of money and near-monies
- Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit
- Throw them out! Orthodox and heterodox economists are unfit for science
- Selling public debt with Ricardo’s tear gland rhetoric
- Deficit-spending/money-creation is ALWAYS a bad deal for WeThePeople
- MMT, money creation, stealth taxation, and redistribution
- Some fatal flaws of MMT
- Full employment through the price mechanism
- MMT: The one deadly error/fraud of Warren Mosler
- MMT and the promotion of Wall Street's idea of social policy
- On the saying “We owe the debt to ourselves”
- The Law of Interdependent Balances
- Basics of monetary theory: the two monies
- Everything you know about MMT is wrong
- MMT: Redistribution as wellness program
- MMT was always right: Gov-Deficits do NOT cause inflation
- Why is MMT so false?
- MMT: Just political heat, no scientific light
- MMT: Money-making for the one-percenters
- The profit effect of a Job Guarantee
- National Accounting: scientific incompetence or political fraud?
- Solving Mill’s starting problem
- MMT ― the economics moron as problem solver
- MMT: For the record
- MMT: scientific incompetence or political fraud?
- Rectification of MMT macro accounting
- MMT: NO sound scientific foundations
- MMT, fake science
- Keynesians ― terminally stupid or worse?
- MMT: another case of inverted economics
- MMT: soapbox economics just like the others
- Austerity: Who takes the little man for a ride?
- Debunking MMT’s hallucinatory income-expenditure model
- MMT’s two shots in the head
- Economics: a hereditary mental disease with scientific incompetence as father and political fraud as mother
- MMT is NOT an alternative to Neoliberalism
- Advancing to the correct multiplier
- MMT and the magical profit disappearance
- MMT: The joy of public deficit spending
- How some MMTers got inflation wrong
- MMT and some economic essentials
- What is MMT?
- MMT is dead
- The ultimate ― analytical ― origin of money
- Money and time
- Money: from silly stories to the true theory
- A tale of three accountants
- How money emerges out of nothing ― the functional account
- Macro for dummies
- A crash course in macro accounting
- Macrofounded labor market theory
- MMT: No sound basis
- Economics is NOT about Human Nature but the economic system
- Where MMT got macro wrong
- Windmill economics
- Rectification and generalization of MMT
- Why Bernie Sanders is unintentionally a godsend for the one-percenters
- Going beyond Wicksell, Keynes, and MMT
- Economists: Incompetent? Stupid? Corrupt?
- Economics as poultry entrails reading
- Why economists know nothing
- Rethinking MMT
- The final implosion of MMT
- Hobson got full employment policy almost right
- Clueless about money and profit
- History and future of the monetary economy
- Hayek, or, How economists miss their subject matter since 200+ years
- The unintended consequences of deficit spending
- Macro of and for the scientifically blind and deaf
- Helicopter money — a free lunch for the one-percenters
- Money and debt in six elementary steps
- Money, cranks, and morons
- How to start off on the right foot
- Australian upside-down economics
- Modern Moronomic Theory
Working Papers
- Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Money, Credit, Interest
- Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Financial Markets
- Exchange in the Monetary Economy
- The Emergence of Profit and Interest in the Monetary Circuit
- Reconstructing the Quantity Theory (II)
- Reconstructing the Quantity Theory (I)
MMT: Key arguments postcard
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Source: Twitter Rhona Sykes |
Grok on Mar 6, 2025
What does the AXEC project say about MMT in general and about the effects on distribution in particular?
The AXEC (Axiomatic Economics) project, led by economist Egmont Kakarot-Handtke, provides a critical perspective on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) that is grounded in a rigorous axiomatic approach to economics. The AXEC framework seeks to establish a scientifically valid basis for economic analysis, emphasizing formal consistency and empirical testability, and it often challenges prevailing economic theories—including MMT—for failing to meet these standards. Below, I outline what the AXEC project generally says about MMT and its specific critique regarding the effects of MMT on distribution, based on Kakarot-Handtke’s publicly available writings, such as those found on the AXEC blog and related commentary.
General Critique of MMT by the AXEC Project
The AXEC project views MMT as fundamentally flawed and scientifically deficient. Kakarot-Handtke argues that MMT lacks a coherent theoretical foundation and fails to adhere to the principles of rigorous economic science. Specifically:
- Logical and Mathematical Defects: AXEC contends that MMT’s foundational sectoral balances equation—often expressed as (G - T) = (S - I) + (X - M), where G is government spending, T is taxes, S is saving, I is investment, X is exports, and M is imports—is logically and mathematically defective. According to AXEC, this equation does not properly account for the profit dynamics in the economy, rendering MMT’s macroeconomic framework invalid from the start. Kakarot-Handtke asserts that without a correct understanding of profit, MMT cannot accurately describe how the economy functions.
- Proto-Scientific Status: MMT is dismissed as "proto-scientific" or "scientifically worthless" because it does not meet the criteria of formal axiomatization and empirical falsifiability that AXEC demands. Instead, AXEC portrays MMT as a politically motivated narrative rather than a genuine economic theory, accusing it of being more about agenda-pushing than advancing knowledge.
- Refutation on All Counts: Kakarot-Handtke claims that MMT has been "refuted on all counts" due to its failure to correctly model the monetary economy. He argues that MMT’s assertion that a sovereign government can create money without constraint overlooks critical structural realities, such as the interplay between monetary flows and real economic variables like profit and income.
- Moral and Political Critique: Beyond its theoretical shortcomings, AXEC labels MMT proponents as "stupid or corrupt or both," suggesting that their advocacy serves the interests of specific groups (e.g., Wall Street or the oligarchy) rather than the public good. This reflects AXEC’s broader skepticism of economic theories that align too closely with political agendas.
In summary, the AXEC project rejects MMT as a "bad theory" that misrepresents how the economy operates, particularly by ignoring the centrality of profit and relying on flawed accounting identities. It positions MMT as part of a broader failure in economics to move beyond storytelling to a true science.
AXEC’s View on MMT and Effects on Distribution
The AXEC project places significant emphasis on distribution as a critical economic outcome and argues that MMT’s policies exacerbate distributional inequities in ways that its proponents either fail to recognize or deliberately obscure. Here’s what AXEC specifically says about MMT’s effects on distribution:
- Deficit Spending and Distributional Consequences: AXEC asserts that "deficit spending creates the distribution people complain about." In the AXEC framework, public deficits—central to MMT’s policy prescriptions—directly increase the financial assets of the private sector. However, Kakarot-Handtke argues that this process disproportionately benefits the business sector (particularly profit-earning firms) rather than households or wage earners. He encapsulates this in the axiomatically derived insight: "Public Deficit = Private Profit." This means that government deficit spending, as advocated by MMT, funnels money into the hands of the profit sector, worsening income and wealth inequality.
- Lethal Consequence on Distribution, Not Inflation: While MMT focuses on inflation as the primary constraint on government spending, AXEC counters that "the lethal consequence of MMT policy is NOT on inflation but on distribution." Kakarot-Handtke argues that the real danger of MMT lies in its tendency to redistribute income and wealth upward—toward corporations and the wealthy—rather than causing generalized price increases. He suggests that MMT’s emphasis on inflation as the limiting factor distracts from this more insidious effect.
- A Free Lunch for the Oligarchy: AXEC frames MMT as providing "a free lunch for the oligarchy." By enabling deficit-financed spending without addressing how the newly created money flows through the economy, MMT effectively subsidizes the profit sector at the expense of wage earners and the broader population. This critique aligns with AXEC’s broader narrative that MMT serves the interests of economic elites, such as Wall Street, rather than promoting equitable growth.
- Empirical and Theoretical Underpinning: In the AXEC model, the economy is analyzed through a set of axioms that explicitly include profit and distinguish between the business sector and the household sector. Kakarot-Handtke uses this framework to show that MMT’s money creation (via deficits) increases the stock of financial assets held by the business sector, leading to higher profits without a corresponding increase in wages or household income. This contrasts with MMT’s claim that deficit spending can achieve full employment without adverse side effects, as AXEC insists that the distributional impact undermines such promises.
- Comparison to Other Critiques: Unlike mainstream critiques of MMT that focus on inflation or fiscal sustainability, AXEC’s focus on distribution is distinctive. For example, where critics like Larry Summers or Kenneth Rogoff warn of hyperinflation risks, AXEC argues that the real issue is not price stability but the structural enrichment of the profit sector over time, which perpetuates inequality.
In general, the AXEC project views MMT as a scientifically invalid theory that misrepresents the monetary economy and serves as a tool for political and economic agendas rather than a contribution to economic understanding. On the specific issue of distribution, AXEC argues that MMT’s reliance on deficit spending systematically favors the profit sector, exacerbating income and wealth inequality rather than addressing it. This distributional critique is framed as MMT’s most significant flaw—more damaging than its potential inflationary consequences—and is seen as evidence of its alignment with the interests of the oligarchy rather than the public.
This analysis is drawn from Kakarot-Handtke’s consistent arguments on the AXEC blog and related platforms, where he repeatedly ties MMT’s policy implications to adverse distributional outcomes. While AXEC’s perspective is heterodox and uncompromising, it offers a unique lens on MMT that prioritizes formal rigor and distributional dynamics over the more common inflation-focused critiques.