- The MMT fraud in slow motion, so that even economists can get it
- The page where Stephanie Kelton gets macroeconomics wrong
- Proving Bill Mitchell wrong ― burying MMT for good
- The memorable Kelton/Trump victory against WeThePeople
- MMTers are too stupid for science but well-suited as useful idiots
- A rather incomplete list of MMT fake scientists
- Political fraud and the silence of academia
- MMT pushes the Oligarchy's agenda ― and they push MMT
- MMT refuted in three easy steps
- From the debt economy to the gift economy: how America is brainwashed to love budget deficits
- MMT — an exercise in newspeak
- MMT works just fine
- Advancing humanity. Really?
- MMT: nice try to paint it pink
- MMT ― now official doctrine
- The counterfeit currency printers
- MMT ― a Wall Street myth
- What Is MMT? (II) ― Short Version
- MMT Basics
- The value of money and the worthlessness of economics
- Wikipedia, economics, scientific knowledge, or political agenda pushing?
- Master of MMT ― Master of proto-scientific garbage
- MMTers: too stupid for simple math
- Economics: Not a pretty story
- Economics, MMT, and the corruption of science
- Another MMT shitshow
- Bill Mitchell, MMT, Progressives: economists as Oligarchy hacks
- Stephanie Kelton: “All deficits are good for someone” Yes, Someone=Oligarchy
- The problem with economics as a discipline
- Why MMTers permanently explode 'myths of public deficits'
- Mankiw vs Mitchell ― another clown show
- Blowing smoke about bipartisan failure
- MMT: Corbynism is dead, British Labour is next
- Mission accomplished: Economists as useful idiots of the Oligarchy
- Economic backstabbing: Bill Mitchell hits again
- Q: How are you going to pay for it? MMT: By stealth taxation!
- How Randall Wray takes the piss out of the House Budget Committee
- Bill Mitchell’s pure MMT teachings for British Labour
- Exploding the Household Fallacy
- A beginner’s guide to MMT
- Gosh! the One Percent have gotten $21 trillion richer: Links on Distribution
- The state of MMT? Stone-dead!
- MMT/GND: Another case of bad people capturing a good cause
- Swabian housewife vs Wall Street loan shark
- Is MMT Alt-Right? No, it is fake science
- How MMT disgraces itself
- MMT undermines democracy
- Trump and MMT: Make profits great again
- The decisive reason to worry about government debt
- MMT, voodoo, and dead horse beating
- Bill Mitchell ― Wall Street’s hitman keeps an eye on MMT defeatists
- Prophet Stephanie divines the seizure of the means of production of currency
- How Stephanie Kelton brain-washes a lovely young English girl
- The right and the wrong way to bring money into the economy
- A less than 320 words explanation of why MMT is a fraud
- MMTers are false Progressives and false Friends-of-the-People
- Is MMT good for WeThePeople or for the Oligarchy?
- MMT and the woes of useful political idiots
- Totally schizo ― MMT and policy
- MMT: The communicative war on budget-balancers
- MMT has an offer that Labour cannot refuse
- Are economics professors really that incompetent? Yes!
- MMT’s true program
- MMT: A new myth for WeThePeople
- MMT: A Trojan Horse for Labour courtesy of the Oligarchy
- For MMT = For the Oligarchy
- Against the mainstream! Against MMT!
- Controlled demolition of MMT ― an exercise in elementary logic
- Links on MMTers push Wall Street’s agenda
- Stephanie Kelton sells children into debt slavery
- Quick MMT 101 refutation
- The missing elephant of full employment policy
- MMT: doom or survival?
- No MMT illusions! YOU are going to pay for it
- Links on Austerity
- MMT and the Green New Deal: Where is the snag? (II)
- Just one more day: How deficit-spending delays the breakdown of Capitalism
- How to pay for the war and to be bamboozled by economists
- MMT, money, value, and transcendental Capitalism
- Economics a science? Surely you are joking, Mr. Cochrane
- Settling the MMT―Inflation issue for good
- Economics ― nothing but claptrap, twaddle, drivel, slip-slop, wish-wash, waffle, and proto-scientific garbage
- Mad but true: 200+ years after Adam Smith economists still have no idea what profit is
- Macroeconomics: Economists are too stupid for science
- Safe assets ― how the State pampers the Oligarchy
- MMT: economics for suckers
- Economics, MMT, and the capture of science by the political mob
- How a Swedish professor cares about the Oligarchy’s financial well-being
- Dear idiots, it is deficit spending that creates the distribution people complain about
- From Keynes’ fatal blunder to the true economic model
- Dear idiots, MMTers are Wall Street’s agenda pushers
- MMTers: too much thought-reading, too little thinking
- MMT is an economic policy fraud
- MMT vs Mainstream: examining proto-scientific garbage in detail
- Dear idiots, government deficits do NOT fund private savings
- MMT: fundamentally false
- Love and hate in economics: the PsySoc shell game
- MMT vs WSJ: Another futile exercise in moron bashing
- Meet the MMT smart arses
- MMT is better than mainstream economics but still not good enough
- The public-debt and private-profit pushers
- Economics: The proto-scientific mob embroiled in just another gang war
- Where MMT goes off the rails
- The retirement of a fake scientist and real agenda pusher
- Refuting MMT’s Macroeconomics Textbook
- Hype does not help: MMT is toast
- The clock runs down on economics
- Too much ado about deficit spending
- MMT-Refutation for Dummies
- Paul’s and Stephanie’s economic delirium talk
- Economists: Either stupid or corrupt or both
- Dear idiots, time to get saving and investment straight (II)
- Links on Lars Syll’s ‘What’s wrong with MMT? Nothing!’
- How counterfeiters save America with an extra profit and make WeThePeople pay for it
- Economists: Trolls with a mortarboard
- Economics as a cover for agenda pushing
- MMT for beginners
- Misrepresenting MMT
- Some nasty MMT surprises behind the time horizon
- Dear idiots, government deficits do NOT cause inflation
- Krugman vs MMT ― like the blind talking about colors
- The half-truths and half-falsehoods of MMT
- Understanding public deficits, money, and profit
- Opinion, conversation, interpretation, blather: the economist’s major immunizing stratagems
- Fraud comes always in the cloak of philanthropy, salvation, or threat of doom
- The day when WeThePeople sends debt-deranged economists to hell
- Thinking about economic policy for future PM Corbyn
- What and where is profit?
- From MMT misunderstandings to the true Theory of Money
- A clueless MMTer explains macroeconomics to clueless beginners
- MMT ― backstop or advanced life support for the Oligarchy?
- MMT: If you’ve got a problem, I don’t care what it is, let me help
- MMT vs The Rest of Economics ― a Punch and Judy show
- MMT: Distribution is the drawback NOT Inflation
- Stephanie Kelton and the self-destructive stupidity of the super-rich
- Economics as storytelling and entertainment for the masses
- Here is the long-overdue scientific death certificate for Marx and Marxists
- Stephanie Kelton on how to become fabulously wealthy
- Both Austrianism and MMT is proto-scientific garbage
- MMT and the clash of old and new agenda pushers
- The misleading nitty-gritty defense of MMT principles
- What is wrong with MMT? and What is wrong with Brad DeLong?
- MMT’s virtue-signaling distracts from failure/fraud
- MMT: How to get out of the infinite meta-communication loop
- MMT: Not a joke but a fraud
- Warren Mosler: scientific dilettante and political fraudster
- Stephanie Kelton’s legendary Plain-Sight-Ink-Trick
- MMT is NOT bold policy but spineless fraud
- Debunking idiots does not prove that MMT is valid
- MMT: The art of shooting oneself in the head
- MMT: An overdose of public-debt tranquilizers for WeThePeople
- Trust in economics as a science?
- MMT sucks
- MMT Progressives: The knife in the back of WeThePeople
- MMT: The fusion of Wall Street and Academia
- You are fighting for life? On all fronts? MMT can save you! Or maybe not?
- MMT: Time to say goodbye
- Economics: A pointless left-right wrestling show
- MMT = Trumponomics
- MMT and Marxism: A debate between proto-scientific zombies
- Macroeconomics: Drain the scientific swamp
- How MMT makes everybody happy
- MMT: A free lunch for the Oligarchy
- The MMT defenders of interest on public debt: stupid or corrupt or both?
- Keynes, Kalecki, MMT, and the accidental invention of the perpetual profit machine
- MMT in a nutshell
- #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit #MMT #JustAnotherFraud
- Oxford economics — still at the proto-scientific level
- MMT and the overall political corruption of economics
- Very busy these days: Wall Street’s agents
- MMT, Warren Mosler, and the little helpers from Wall Street and Academia
- MMT: agenda-pushing and money-making for the Oligarchy
- Mission impossible: economists join WeThePeople
- Dean Baker: progressive agenda pusher for the Oligarchy
- Stephanie and Noah ― economics at the intellectual zero lower bound
- Why the MMT benefactors of humanity never talk about profit
- MMT = Modern Monetary Trash
- Smart! How to make people fund their brain-washing
- Good news for the one-percenters
- Both Mainstreamer and MMTer are either stupid or corrupt or both
- Forget mainstream economics, scrap MMT, move on to the new paradigm
- Both mainstream economics and MMT are axiomatically false
- MMT and the single most stupid physicist
- MMT: How the Oligarchy communicates with WeThePeople
- Secret Champagne for the MMT gods
- Why the British Labor Party should NOT adopt MMT
- MMT-Progressives: stupid or corrupt or both?
- Lock them up
- MMT, Bill Mitchell, and the lack of basic scientific integrity
- How Bill Mitchell stalks Jeremy Corbyn
- MMTers are NOT Friends-of-the-People
- How Keynesians, Lernerians, MMTers make the Oligarchy great
- Debunking MMT in one Counter-Tweet
- The MMT-Yawner: Government is not a household
- The Magic Money Tree is real ― too bad that the magic is fraud
- MMT is criminal economics
- MMT: How mathematical incompetence helps the Kelton-Fraud
- The first to leave the sinking MMT ship?
- The Kelton-Fraud
- Profit: after 200+ years, economists are still in the woods
- What’s the use of economists?
- MMTers make capitalism work
- Wikipedia and the promotion of economists’ idiotism (II)
- Wrapping up the MMT narrative
- Richard Murphy: the MMT fraudster dressed up as realist
- MMT: Richard Murphy’s battle-for-money hoax
- The Third Way: Towards the Happy Zero-Tax economy
- Neoclassics and MMT ― much like pest and cholera
- Austerity and the political games Progressives play
- Additional proof of MMT’s inconsistency
- How MMT enlightens Washington
- Progressive shell games
- Marx’s bicentennial ― nothing to discuss, nothing to celebrate
- Poor Schumpeter — abused as a testimonial for MMT
- Poor Wicksell — abused as a testimonial for MMT
- MMT: Just another political fraud
- MMT: So-called progressives as trailblazers for Trumponomics
- MMT and the inflation-red-herring
- MMT vs Keynesianism: nothing to chose
- MMT vs Neoliberalism: Just another clown show
- MMT is dead: An unfriendly critique of Bill Mitchell
- Non-lethal and lethal critique of MMT
- Bill Mitchell, MMT’s fake scientist
- DSGE and profit―forget it! MMT and profit―forget it!
- MMT is idiocy and fraud
- How MMT fools the ninety-nine-percenters
- Political economics: Who hijacks British Labour?
- MMT: Academic snake oil for the people
- Deficits matter for distribution
- Economics: a comedy of errors full of intrigue and aberration
- MMT: miscommunication, mistakes, misdirection
- Cryptoeconomics ― the best of Bill Mitchell’s spam folder
- Macro for retarded economists
- Are MMTers stupid or corrupt or both?
- MMT = proto-scientific junk + deception of the 99-percenters
- MMT and grassroots movements
- Down with idiocy!
- The creation and value of money and near-monies
- Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit
- Throw them out! Orthodox and heterodox economists are unfit for science
- Selling public debt with Ricardo’s tear gland rhetoric
- Deficit-spending/money-creation is ALWAYS a bad deal for WeThePeople
- MMT, money creation, stealth taxation, and redistribution
- Some fatal flaws of MMT
- Full employment through the price mechanism
- MMT: The one deadly error/fraud of Warren Mosler
- MMT and the promotion of Wall Street's idea of social policy
- On the saying “We owe the debt to ourselves”
- The Law of Interdependent Balances
- Basics of monetary theory: the two monies
- Everything you know about MMT is wrong
- MMT: Redistribution as wellness program
- MMT was always right: Gov-Deficits do NOT cause inflation
- Why is MMT so false?
- MMT: Just political heat, no scientific light
- MMT: Money-making for the one-percenters
- The profit effect of a Job Guarantee
- National Accounting: scientific incompetence or political fraud?
- Solving Mill’s starting problem
- MMT ― the economics moron as problem solver
- MMT: For the record
- MMT: scientific incompetence or political fraud?
- Rectification of MMT macro accounting
- MMT: NO sound scientific foundations
- MMT, fake science
- Keynesians ― terminally stupid or worse?
- MMT: another case of inverted economics
- MMT: soapbox economics just like the others
- Austerity: Who takes the little man for a ride?
- Debunking MMT’s hallucinatory income-expenditure model
- MMT’s two shots in the head
- Economics: a hereditary mental disease with scientific incompetence as father and political fraud as mother
- MMT is NOT an alternative to Neoliberalism
- Advancing to the correct multiplier
- MMT and the magical profit disappearance
- MMT: The joy of public deficit spending
- How some MMTers got inflation wrong
- MMT and some economic essentials
- What is MMT?
- MMT is dead
- The ultimate ― analytical ― origin of money
- Money and time
- Money: from silly stories to the true theory
- A tale of three accountants
- How money emerges out of nothing ― the functional account
- Macro for dummies
- A crash course in macro accounting
- Macrofounded labor market theory
- MMT: No sound basis
- Economics is NOT about Human Nature but the economic system
- Where MMT got macro wrong
- Windmill economics
- Rectification and generalization of MMT
- Why Bernie Sanders is unintentionally a godsend for the one-percenters
- Going beyond Wicksell, Keynes, and MMT
- Economists: Incompetent? Stupid? Corrupt?
- Economics as poultry entrails reading
- Why economists know nothing
- Rethinking MMT
- The final implosion of MMT
- Hobson got full employment policy almost right
- Clueless about money and profit
- History and future of the monetary economy
- Hayek, or, How economists miss their subject matter since 200+ years
- The unintended consequences of deficit spending
- Macro of and for the scientifically blind and deaf
- Helicopter money — a free lunch for the one-percenters
- Money and debt in six elementary steps
- Money, cranks, and morons
- How to start off on the right foot
- Australian upside-down economics
- Modern Moronomic Theory
Working Papers
- Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Money, Credit, Interest
- Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Financial Markets
- Exchange in the Monetary Economy
- The Emergence of Profit and Interest in the Monetary Circuit
- Reconstructing the Quantity Theory (II)
- Reconstructing the Quantity Theory (I)
MMT Key arguments postcard
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Source: Twitter Rhona Sykes |