- Sovereign Economics
- New Economic Thinking ― the definitive results
- Ending the pluralism of provably false economic theories with the long-overdue Paradigm Shift
- Swimming naked: economists and the Paradigm Shift
- Macroeconomics and the fake History of Economic Thought
- The state of MMT? Stone-dead!
- Homo oeconomicus: the never-ending folk-psychological shitshow
- The dirty secret of Capitalism: Economists have NO idea how Capitalism works
- Circus Maximus: Economics as entertainment, personality gossip, virtue signaling, and lifestyle promotion
- Economic policy and the skirmishes of failed/fake scientists
- Economics: The greatest scientific fraud in modern times
- If religion is opium of the people, economics is crack of the people
- There is NO such thing as “smart, honest, honorable economists”
- Throw them out! Orthodox and heterodox economists are unfit for science
- From false microfoundations to true macrofoundations (I)
- How to make economics a science
- This is New Economic Thinking? Give me a break!
- Joan Robinson and the early death of Behavioral Economics
- When non-thinkers rethink
- Why does Heterodoxy not abolish the fake Nobel?
- The ethics of science is consistency ― economics is inconsistent
- 10 steps to leave cargo cult economics behind for good
- New Economic Thinking = old scientific garbage
- CORE: more lipstick on the dead economics pig
- Hunting down the economics body snatchers
- Scientists do NOT predict the future
- Rectification of MMT macro accounting
- The moralizing economist is not a good guy but a fake scientist
- Walrasian micro and Keynesian macro need to be flushed away
- In search of new economists
- The myth of economics knowledge
- New Economic Thinking: the 10 crucial points
- How economists habitually mess it up
- Don Lars and the axiomatic windmill
- Macro for dummies
- Note on Amy Willis ‘Can majoring in philosophy make you a better person?’
- Economics is not a science, not a religion, but proto-scientific rubbish
- Zero-sum capitalism
- We are not yet out of the wood; in fact, we are not yet in it
- Laying the bastard Phillips Curve to rest
- Keynesianism ― the economists’ senile dementia
- A crash course in macro accounting
- Just another cargo cultic exercise
- Profit theory in less than 5 minutes
- Macrofounded labor market theory
- Marginal madness
- Economics and the Fallacy of Insufficient Abstraction
- Rethinking the Phillips Curve
- Think deeper
- Profit and distribution: a primer
- First Lecture in New Economic Thinking
- What is the fuss with New Economic Thinking all about?
- True macrofoundations: the reset of economics
- What is REALLY wrong with macro
- Schizonomics
- Modern macro moronism
- Rectification and generalization of MMT
- New Economic Thinking, or, let’s put lipstick on the dead pig
- Paul the Menace
- Economists and the destructive power of stupidity
- Going beyond Wicksell, Keynes, and MMT
- Macroeconomics without Keynes
- Rethinking MMT
- Rethinking the Profit Law
- Rethinking deficit spending
- Rethinking the multiplier
- There is NO such thing as an economic expert
- How economists murdered the economy and got away with it
- New Economic Thinking ― false promises and hopes
- Stuck with the economics prisoner’s dilemma
- Feeble thinkers, feeble rethinkers: The perennial misery of economics
- All models are false because all economists are stupid
- Kick out the king and don’t forget the jesters
- How to get rid of an obsolete theory
- Economic policy has gone wrong because economic theory has gone wrong
- From Orthodoxy to Heterodoxy to Metadoxy
- Caught in secular intellectual stagnation
- How the intelligent non-economist can refute every economist hands down
Working papers