- Your economics is refuted on all counts: here is the real thing here
- Since the founding fathers, economics is NOT science but political agenda-pushing here
- The dumb economist ― a jack of all trades here
- The activist is no scientist, the scientist is no activist here
- Economics ― for 200+ years just storytelling and mythmaking here
- Proof of the non-existence of scientific standards here
- Bill Mitchell says that economists are fake scientists ― true, but MMTers are NOT different here
- Economists are NOT scientists here
- The end of political economics here
- The abysmal stupidity/corruption of political economists here
- Political fraud and the silence of academia here
- Economics has been captured by agenda pushers here
- Economics is proto-scientific garbage here
- Political economics is NOT science but brain-dead agenda-pushing here
- Fake economics great again here
- The GDP-death-blow for the economics profession here
- OMG, after 200+ years, economics becomes a science here
- The Paradigm Shift is an accomplished fact here
- In the grand scheme of things, Lord Keynes was only a small-time crook here
- Disgrace again ― is economics really that bad? here
- Not all academic pursuits are science here
- Economists’ scientific incompetence is worse than the plague here
- MMT: the Oligarchy's latest beauty treatment here
- The tragedy of economics: stupid/corrupt economists here
- All behavior-based economic textbooks are false here
- Economists can hardly wait for their burial at the Flat-Earth-Cemetery here
- Economics is a disgrace ― now more than ever here
- Economics as thought-reading and motive-imputation here
- Economics is a disgrace here
- Economists: at the end of the wrong track here
- Wikipedia, economics, scientific knowledge, or political agenda pushing? here
- That’s wrong with a fiscal deficit here
- The US economy hangs on the state ventilator for its survival here
- MMT ― now official doctrine here
- The value of money and the worthlessness of economics here
- Failed economics and the losers’ closed circle of mutual promotion here
- Mindfuck or the Eternal Return of dead economic theories here
- There are NO crank scientists in economics because economics is NOT a science here
- Economics: Not a pretty story here
- ASSA2020 has been a success ― sorta-kinda here
- Mission accomplished: Economists as useful idiots of the Oligarchy here
- Trust in science? Yes, but economics is NOT a science here
- Understanding socialism presupposes understanding profit here
- Economics ― the science that never was here
- Economic backstabbing: Bill Mitchell hits again here
- How Randall Wray takes the piss out of the House Budget Committee here
- Marx and Marxists ― too stupid for the elementary algebra of profit here
- Gosh! The One-Percent have gotten $21 trillion richer: Links on Distribution here
- Links on Neoliberalism here
- Macroeconomics and the vacuous History of Economic Thought here
- The sectoral balances obfuscation: stupidity or corruption? here
- Keynes ― the poster boy for the weakness of the economist’s mind here
- MMT/GND: Another case of bad people capturing a good cause here
- The real trouble with Capitalism: stupid/corrupt economists here
- The dirty secret of Capitalism: Economists have NO idea how Capitalism works here
- Swabian housewife vs Wall Street loan shark here
- Is MMT Alt-Right? No, it is fake science here
- Links on the Economics Nobel here
- Bill Mitchell’s dishonorable discharge from the sciences here
- Deficit cheerleaders ― the Oligarchy’s useful idiots here
- Economics ― not science, not ideology, just useful idiocy here
- Right policy depends on true theory here
- MMT undermines democracy here
- Circus Maximus: Economics as entertainment, personality gossip, virtue signaling, and lifestyle promotion here
- Trump and MMT: Make profits great again here
- The decisive reason to worry about government debt here
- Bill Mitchell ― Wall Street’s hitman keeps an eye on MMT defeatists here
- Profit analysis ― another exercise in economic deception here
- The surefire way to abolish billionaires here
- How to spot economics trolls here
- MMT and the woes of useful political idiots here
- Totally schizo ― MMT and policy here
- Economics as target group marketing here
- The Levy/Kalecki Profit Equation is false here
- MMT: The communicative war on budget-balancers here
- Economic policy and the skirmishes of failed/fake scientists here
- The economist as storyteller here
- MMT’s true program here
- MMT: A Trojan Horse for Labour courtesy of the Oligarchy here
- For MMT = For the Oligarchy here
- Controlled demolition of MMT ― an exercise in elementary logic here
- MMT: doom or survival? here
- You know you are in the political Circus Maximus when economists talk about Democracy or Liberty here
- MMT and the Green New Deal: Where is the snag? (II) here
- Just one more day: How deficit-spending delays the breakdown of Capitalism here
- The not so funny MMT vs Neoliberalism slapstick here
- Economics: failure, fake, fraud here
- MMT: economics for suckers here
- Economics, MMT, and the capture of science by the political mob here
- How a Swedish professor cares about the Oligarchy’s financial well-being here
- Dear idiots, it is deficit spending that creates the distribution people complain about here
- Dear idiots, MMTers are Wall Street’s agenda pushers here
- MMT is an economic policy fraud here
- MMT vs WSJ: Another futile exercise in moron bashing here
- Economists: “a bevy of camp-following whores” here
- Paul’s and Stephanie’s economic delirium talk here
- Economists: Either stupid or corrupt or both here
- Dear idiots, time to get saving and investment straight (II) here
- A battle for hearts and minds ― economics redefined here
- Economics as a cover for agenda pushing here
- Dear idiots, Marx got profit and exploitation wrong here
- Who is really a scientist? here
- The half-truths and half-falsehoods of MMT here
- Fraud comes always in the cloak of philanthropy, salvation, or threat of doom here
- Socialism and scientific incompetence here
- The day when WeThePeople sends debt-deranged economists to hell here
- Thinking about economic policy for future PM Corbyn here
- Stephanie Kelton and the self-destructive stupidity of the super-rich here
- If religion is opium of the people, economics is crack of the people here
- “But economics is not pure mathematics or logic” No, it is pure blather here
- Stephanie Kelton on how to become fabulously wealthy here
- MMT and the clash of old and new agenda pushers here
- What is wrong with MMT? and What is wrong with Brad DeLong? here
- MMT: From science to agenda-pushing to story-telling to fraud here
- Warren Mosler: scientific dilettante and political fraudster here
- Stephanie Kelton’s legendary Plain-Sight-Ink-Trick here
- Econogenics in action here
- The end of political economics (II) here
- The failure of Post-Keynesianism here
- Urgent: Taking politics out of economics here
- “We have sunk very low” here
- Economics: A pointless left-right wrestling show here
- MMT = Trumponomics here
- Fake religion, fake science, fake news, and false complaints here
- The MMT defenders of interest on public debt: stupid or corrupt or both? here
- What comes first: eco-self-destruction or oeco-self-destruction? here
- MMT and the overall political corruption of economics here
- Very busy these days: Wall Street’s agents here
- Reverse Alchemy: from scientific gold to political shit here
- MMT, Warren Mosler, and the little helpers from Wall Street and Academia here
- If we only had classes here
- Mission impossible: economists join WeThePeople here
- Legitimacy lost here
- Both Mainstreamer and MMTer are either stupid or corrupt or both here
- MMT-Progressives: stupid or corrupt or both? here
- The biggest scientific mistake of the last centuries, and it has much to do with academic economists here
- The economist as useful political idiot here
- How Bill Mitchell stalks Jeremy Corbyn here
- MMTers are NOT Friends-of-the-People here
- Economics, too, is pre-truth here
- Real-World Economics: The sanctuary of stupidity and corruption here
- And the answer is NCND ― economics after 200+ years of Glomarization here
- Beware of the moralizing economist here
- Political economists ― the village idiots of science here
- Right troll left troll pack your bag and get out of economics here
- Do first your macroeconomic homework! here
- Richard Murphy: the MMT fraudster dressed up as realist here
- Employment theory as an example of proto-scientific soapbubbling here
- The Third Way: Towards the happy zero-tax economy here
- Austerity and the political games Progressives play here
- Does economics matter more for bread or for circuses? here
- How MMT enlightens Washington here
- Progressive shell games here
- Marx’s bicentennial ― nothing to discuss, nothing to celebrate here
- Did economics fail? No! Yes, and everybody knows it! here
- Profit and the Private-Property-Irrelevance Theorem here
- Profit: after 200+ years still elusive here
- MMT: Just another political fraud here
- MMT: So-called progressives as trailblazers for Trumponomics here
- Economics is NOT about what Happiness is but about what Profit is here
- Capitalism, poverty, exploitation, and cross-over exploitation here
- Economics has arrived at the bottom of the proto-scientific shithole here
- MMT vs Neoliberalism: Just another clown show here
- MMT is dead: An unfriendly critique of Bill Mitchell here
- Political economics: Who hijacks British Labour? here
- Paul Krugman and economic poultry entrails reading here
- Forget Keynes here
- Economics: communication without content here
- MMT: Academic snake oil for the people here
- Ricardo and the invention of class war here
- Econblogosphere: The flawed Top 101 here
- Time to retire political economists here
- Lars Syll, fake scientist here
- Are MMTers stupid or corrupt or both? here
- MMT = proto-scientific garbage + deception of the 99-percenters here
- Economists, stupid or corrupt or both? here
- MMT and grassroots movements here
- Down with idiocy! here
- Mr. Corbyn and the perils of political economics here
- Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit here
- Economists’ rude awakening here
- Deficit-spending/money-creation is ALWAYS a bad deal for WeThePeople here
- Freedom for fake scientists? here
- Yes, economics is a bogus science here
- From false microfoundations to true macrofoundations here
- Dani Rodrik, fake scientist here
- How to make economics a science here
- This is New Economic Thinking? Give me a break! here
- Joan Robinson and the early death of Behavioral Economics here
- When non-thinkers rethink here
- Proof of the inherent instability of the market economy here
- Why is MMT so false? here
- MMT: Just political heat, no scientific light here
- Why is economics such a scientific embarrassment? here
- Economics: the emancipation of science from politics here
- MMT: for the record here
- MMT: scientific incompetence or political fraud? here
- Hunting down the economics body snatchers here
- The Death of Keynesianism here
- MMT, fake science here
- The moralizing economist is not a good guy but a fake scientist here
- Austerity: Who takes the little man for a ride? here
- Marx and the curious coexistence of provably false economic theories here
- Karl Marx, fake scientist here
- The abject failure of orthodox and heterodox distribution theory here
- Economics: a hereditary mental disease with scientific incompetence as father and political fraud as mother here
- MMT is NOT an alternative to neoliberalism here
- No exploitation, no classes here
- Economics: a "science" from suckers for suckers here
- Barkley Rosser, fake scientist here
- The irrelevance of populism for economics here
- Milton Friedman, fake scientist here
- What is MMT? here
- Refutation of Asad Zaman’s heterodox methodology: all arguments you ever need here
- Forget Friedman, forget Keynes here
- Forget Hayek here
- The myth of economics knowledge here
- Intellectual deficit spending here
- On econblogosphere bias here
- How economists habitually mess it up here
- Just another cargo cultic exercise here
- Marx, the moron here
- The end of political economics here
- Needed: The Worst of the Worst of economics blogs here
- Just another wreck here
- Soapbox economics here
- Garbage economics here
- Hijackers, agenda pushers, PsySocs, and other morons here
- Consensus, buddy consensus, scientific consensus, or what? here
- Economics is NOT about Human Nature but the economic system here
- Getting out of the economics swamp here
- Economists ― blinded by political balloons here
- Austerity and the total disconnect between economic policy and science here
- Does Asad Zaman fly with POL or SCI Airlines? here
- Feynman Integrity, fake science and the econblogosphere here
- Note on Barkley Rosser on political/scientific failure here
- Hayek and other informationally retarded proto-economists here
- Economics and encephalomalacia here
- Ditch scientific incompetence! here
- Media-fake-farce-fraud-storytelling-macro here
- How Heterodoxy became the venue for science’s scum here
- Toward the New Academy here
- Economic policy guidance NEVER had sound scientific foundations here
- The economist as moralist here
- Austerity and the idiocy of political economists here
- The non-existence of economics here
- Economics and truth here
- Pre-truth and post-truth in economics here
- New economic thinking = old political fake here
- Endtime for soapbox economists here
- Where economics went wrong here
- NAIRU ― letting one more nonentity go here
- Schizonomics here
- Economics, Plato’s Cave and the Silver Blaze Case here
- Economics is a science? You must be joking! here
- Economics, methodology, morals ― a creepy freak-show here
- New economic thinking, or, let’s put lipstick on the dead pig here
- Paul the Menace here
- Why Bernie Sanders is unintentionally a godsend for the one-percenters here
- Friedman and the cluelessness of fake scientists here
- Economism, vulgar economics, and the curse of goofy critics here
- Economists: Incompetent? Stupid? Corrupt? here
- Gossip economics here
- Delusions of useful idiots here
- Mass unemployment: The joint failure of orthodox and heterodox economics here
- How the 99 percent can bring overall profit of the 1 percent legally down to zero in 2017 here
- Economics: Poor philosophy, poor psychology, poor science here
- Economics is indefensible here
- Inequality: Market failure or theory failure? here
- Economics as poultry entrails reading here
- When fake scientists call out on fake politicians here
- Economics: The pluralism of false theories is over here
- Will economics ever become a science? here
- A political stench is in the air here
- Americans believe crazy things, yet they are outdone by economists here
- Why Hayek was not a scientist here
- Economics: Two centuries of scientific incompetence here
- Economic policy advice has never had sound scientific foundations here
- Economics is not post-truth but pre-truth here
- The economist’s pick: liar, moron, or what? here
- Economics and corruption here
- FakeNews, FakeScience: economics in the information age here
- Keynes’s message for contemporaries here
- Economists: The Trumps of science here
- The economist as standup comedian here
- Economists: Jacks of all trades ― except economics here
- Political economics: a deadhead sitcom here
- There is NO such thing as an economic expert here
- Scientific suicide in the revolving door here
- Not big news: political economics is a failure here
- Economics pedagogy: an un- and anti-scientific exercise here
- Economics: a science without scientists here
- Heterodoxy ― a new paradigm or just another political sect? here
- The bigots of common sense here
- Go, Heterodoxy, move on! here
- A basket of scientific deplorables here
- All models are false because all economists are stupid here
- Scientists and science actors here
- The trouble with economics prizes here
- Economists: No legitimacy whatever here
- False and true economic laws here
- Krugman is not an economist here
- Unemployment is the outcome of political economics here
- Economists and the economy ― a nonstarter since 200 years here
- Turning the bananatization of economics around here
- Demystifying employment theory and policy here
- Nothing to choose between Orthodoxy and traditional Heterodoxy here
- Failed institutions here
- Economics and Project Augean Stable here
- A heap of scientific rubbish here
- Economics is NOT a social science here
- Economics: The chief demerit is inconsistency here
- Economic policy guidance out of the scientific kindergarten here
- Economics: Deadlocked between politics and science here
- Economics: The Battle of Frogs and Mice is over here
- Enough! Economists, retire now! here
- Politics, storytelling, and science here
- Political economics: as worthless as ever here
- Hayek ― agenda pusher or scientist? here
- Economics: A cargo cult science from the very beginning here
- Politics is national, science is not here
- Politics or Science? Decide and act accordingly here
- The mad flip-floppers here
- Hayek or how economists miss their subject matter since more than 200 years here
- Economics: From proto-science to freak show here
- Society, you have a problem here
- Economic policy has gone wrong because economic theory has gone wrong here
- Economic recommendations out of the swamp between true and false here
- Heterodox schizo here
- Why don’t economists simply shut up for a while? here
- High profits and low economics here
- It’s the price and profit mechanism, stupid! here
- There is no truth in political economics here
- Economics: neither craft nor science here
- Helicopter money — a free lunch for the one-percenters here
- Hayek was not an economist here
- Trump and the weaponizing of economics here
- Economics and the weapons of mass distraction here
- Low-IQ economics: the beginner’s guide here
- Sick or false? here
- Economics and the social science delusion here
- Krugman and the scientific implosion of economics here
- What heterodox economists are embarrassed to admit here
- Political economics: a playground for scientific deadbeats here
- The still unfinished Keynes (II) here
- On economists’ stupidity here
- What comes next? here
- End of a storyteller here
- Every thinking economist is heterodox by default, but how do we proceed from here? here
- Agenda pushing or science? here
- It’s not the ideology, it’s the methodology, stupid! here
- Confused Orthodoxy vs. confused Heterodoxy here
- Is Paul Krugman necessary? here
- Are economists natural born scientific failures? here
- Economics: of the stupid by the stupid for the stupid here
- Scientific dabbler and peddler here
- Soap-opera economics here
- Which breakdown? here
- How economists became the scientific laughing stock here
- Swedish muddle here
- Economics is a scientific zombie waiting to be put down here
- The tragedy of Heterodoxy here
- Political economics and intellectual corruption here
- The utter senselessness of political economics here
- Pseudo-voodoo-moron-proto-mumbonomics here
- Profit and the poverty of economics here
- The x-th reinvention of evolutionary economics here
- Hayek: mad, bad, or just another incompetent economist? here
- Free the academy from economics here
- Keynes and the logical brilliance of Bedlam here
- How to be a good scientist here
- Exponentially growing garbage here
- Doomed and damned here
- PsySoc — the scourge of economics here
- Economics: ‘a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury’? here
- Confounding sociology and economics here
- How to minimize political confusion here
- Confounding Is and Ought: the economist as moralist here
- Time to get rid of political economics here
- The philosophy of know-nothingers here
- Whatever it is, let's call it conservatism here
- Buridan’s ass economics here
- Heterodoxy: important decisions ahead here
- Economics: the honeypot for know-nothingers here
- Here it comes: the sexit here
- Knowledge vs. Belief here
- The case for pure economics here
- Mental messies and loose losers here
- Separation of politics and economics here
- In science, NO is the answer here
- True/false is different from good/bad here
- An exercise in futility here
- It's about institution-building, stupid here
- From economics to politics to idiotism here
- Keynesianism as ultimate profit machine here
- It's all over — but for whom? here
- Ditto and the hazards of diprosopus here
- Value — the Bermuda triangle for economic theories here
- More than two centuries of waffling in the dark here
- Flight of ideas and the dead end of all econtalk here
- From true/false to garbage-wrestling and back here
- Keenonomics, aggregate demand/change of debt, and some misleading critique here
- Lost between pure fiction and parochial realism here
- The art of start here
- A farewell to PsySoc economics here
- Wake up: economics is not a science of behavior here
- Sloppiness as economic methodology here
- The guessing game here
- Tricky business here
- Objective Principles here
This blog connects to the AXEC Project which applies a superior method of economic analysis. The following comments have been posted on selected blogs as catalysts for the ongoing Paradigm Shift. The comments are brought together here for information. The full debates are directly accessible via the Blog-References. Scrap the lot and start again―that is what a Paradigm Shift is all about. Time to make economics a science.
November 30, 2015
Political Economics/Stupidity/Corruption: cross-references