November 30, 2015

Profit/Distribution: cross-references

Posts and abstracts
  • Keynes―Marx―Profit: The abysmal scientific failure of economics   here
  • Profit: The most powerful formula of economics   here
  • Profit   here
  • MMTers: too stupid for simple math   here
  • There are NO crank scientists in economics because economics is NOT a science   here
  • How Randall Wray takes the piss out of the House Budget Committee   here
  • Marx and Marxists ― too stupid for the elementary algebra of profit   here
  • Exploding the Household Fallacy   here
  • Gosh! the One Percent have gotten $21 trillion richer: Links on Distribution   here
  • Keynes ― the poster boy for the weakness of the economist’s mind   here
  • The dirty secret of Capitalism: Economists have NO idea how Capitalism works   here
  • Profit analysis ― another exercise in economic deception   here
  • Profit and Distribution Theory is false for 200+ years   here
  • Economics: failure, fake, fraud   here
  • Macroeconomics: Economists are too stupid for science   here
  • Safe assets ― how the State pampers the Oligarchy   here
  • The CCC ― a monument of economists’ utter scientific incompetence   here
  • Yes, economists are really that stupid   here
  • Dear idiots, it is deficit spending that creates the distribution people complain about   here
  • Dear idiots, MMTers are Wall Street’s agenda pushers   here
  • The public-debt and private-profit pushers   here
  • How counterfeiters save America with an extra profit and make WeThePeople pay for it   here
  • Some nasty MMT surprises behind the time horizon   here
  • Basics of Value Theory   here
  • MMT: Distribution is the drawback NOT Inflation   here
  • Profit and macrofoundations   here
  • Deficit-spending, public debt, and macroeconomic profit/loss   here
  • Links on James Petras’ ‘Big Business Strikes Back: The Class Struggle from Above’   here
  • MMT and the overall political corruption of economics   here
  • Very busy these days: Wall Street’s agents   here
  • MMT, Warren Mosler, and the little helpers from Wall Street and Academia   here
  • If we only had classes   here
  • Heterodox economics: When stupidity becomes a public danger   here
  • Why the MMT benefactors of humanity never talk about profit   here
  • There is NO such thing as a “labor share of income”   here
  • Good news for the one-percenters   here
  • Go! ― test the Profit and Employment Law   here
  • Economists simply don’t get it   here
  • How to get rid of inflation and deflation   here
  • How Keynesians, Lernerians, MMTers make the oligarchy great   here
  • The Magic Money Tree is real ― too bad that the magic is a fraud   here
  • The inexorable paradigm shift in economics   here
  • Wikipedia and the promotion of economists’ idiotism (II)   here
  • Truth by definition? The Profit Theory is axiomatically false for 200+ years   here
  • MMT: How mathematical incompetence helps the Kelton-Fraud   here
  • The Kelton-Fraud   here
  • Profit: after 200+ years, economists are still in the woods   here
  • It has been said before but economists still don’t get it   here
  • Nietzsche, entropy, full employment, and NO class war   here
  • The Third Way: Towards the happy zero-tax economy   here
  • How economists missed out on the essential relationship of economics   here
  • The demise of phony experts: macroeconomics is provably false   here
  • How MMT enlightens Washington   here
  • Profit and the Private-Property-Irrelevance Theorem   here
  • Profit: after 200+ years still elusive   here
  • Marx today   here
  • Capitalism, poverty, exploitation, and cross-over exploitation   here
  • The curious non-existence of profit in economics   here
  • Note on “Era of Austerity coming to an end...”   here
  • DSGE and profit―forget it! MMT and profit―forget it!   here
  • MMT is idiocy and fraud   here
  • Fiscal policy and the Humpty Dumpty Fallacy here
  • The perennial conundrum: profit and distribution   here
  • Ricardo and the invention of class war   here
  • Profit, income, and the Humpty Dumpty Fallacy   here
  • MMT = proto-scientific junk + deception of the 99-percenters   here
  • Down with idiocy!   here
  • Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit   here
  • The profit theory is false since Adam Smith   here
  • Economists understand neither Capitalism nor Socialism   here
  • Saving NEVER equals investment   here
  • MMT: Just political heat, no scientific light   here
  • MMT: Money-making for the one-percenters   here
  • The profit effect of a Job Guarantee   here
  • National Accounting: scientific incompetence or political fraud?   here
  • Profit and the decline of workers’ nominal share   here
  • MMT ― the economics moron as problem solver   here
  • Where modern macroeconomics went wrong   here
  • Why economists don’t know what profit is   here
  • Rectification of MMT macro accounting   here
  • Karl Marx, fake scientist    here
  • Profit and the decline of labor’s nominal share   here
  • MMT and the magical profit disappearance   here
  • Economists: scientists or political clowns?   here
  • Profit and stupidity   here
  • Just revealed: IS-LM is dead for 80+ years   here
  • Profit and distribution: a primer   here
  • Where MMT got macro wrong   here
  • Austerity and the idiocy of political economists   here
  • Rethinking the Distribution   here
  • Where economics went wrong   here
  • A vacuous analysis of profits and productivity   here
  • Windmill economics   here
  • Profit and price ― solving the mystery   here
  • How the 99 percent can bring overall profit of the 1 percent legally down to zero in 2017   here
  • Inequality: Market failure or theory failure?   here
  • Income distribution: No market failure but theory failure   here
  • The economic machine is broken? Don’t call the heterodox repairman!   here
  • The distribution theory is false because the profit theory is false   here
  • Macro for dummies   here
  • The monetary circuit and how economists got it wrong   here
  • Why economists know nothing   here
  • Economists still don’t get Econ 101 right   here
  • Rethinking the Profit Law   here
  • Rethinking deficit spending   here
  • How to end the Punch and Judy show about profit   here
  • The thing with profit and exploitation   here
  • Wikipedia and the promotion of economists’ idiotism (I)   here
  • The final implosion of MMT   here
  • Economics between science and magic   here
  • A new episode of one of the worst blunders of economics   here
  • Keynesian macrofoundations are defective   here
  • The general theory of scientific incompetence   here
  • How Keynes got macro wrong and Allais got it right   here
  • Keynesianism: The triumph of blathering over thinking   here
  • Clueless about money and profit   here
  • Demystifying employment theory and policy   here
  • The unfinished Keynes (III)  here
  • Making the economy the focus of the economists’ dialogue   here
  • Stock prices, profit, and other self-fulfilling idiocies   here
  • History and future of the monetary economy   here
  • There is no thrift paradox, or, How economists fell over their own feet   here
  • Enough! Economists, retire now!   here
  • The actual distribution is unacceptable? Do NOT seek economic advice!   here
  • Fatal defects of profit and market theory   here
  • The scientific self-elimination of Heterodoxy   here
  • The tiny little problem with economics   here
  • The great economic equations   here
  • Hayek or how economists miss their subject matter for more than 200 years   here
  • The unintended consequences of deficit spending   here
  • Economic policy has gone wrong because economic theory has gone wrong   here
  • High profits and low economics   here
  • The solemn burial of marginalism   here
  • How Keynes messed macro up   here
  • As Napoleon said: don’t listen to economists   here
  • How the American working class can bring overall profits down to zero without bloody revolution   here
  • Profit, marginalism, and other anomalies   here
  • Your profit theory is false   here
  • “As goes GM, so goes America” — A rather ordinary fallacy of composition here
  • How the intelligent non-economist can refute every economist hands down   here
  • Wages and profits are NOT the components of income   here
  • Heterodoxy, too, is scientific junk   here
  • Confounding sociology and economics   here
  • The very real problem of zero scientific utility   here
  • No culpa, only stultitia   here
  • Who said what to whom — and does it matter?  here
  • Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: profit  here
  • Income, profit, distributed profit: a radical simplification  here
  • Refocusing the debt/profit issue  here
  • The Profit Law  here
  • Inequality, wage, and profit  here
  • Kalecki's wrong definition of profit and income  here
  • The universal Profit Law and the multitude of unique historical circumstances  here
  • The profit theory is false since Adam Smith. What about the true distribution theory?  here
  • What the Top 20 heterodox economists say  here
  • Profit for Marxists  here
  • Where is profit?  here
  • Profit is the key  here
  • Flawed logic  here
Profit is the pivotal concept for the analysis of how the economy works. Without a correct profit theory, economics is vacuous. The conventional profit theory is logically indefensible. Economists have no true conception of the most important phenomenon in their universe.

Working papers
  • How the intelligent non-economist can refute every economist hands down   SSRN
  • The profit theory is false since Adam Smith. What about the true distribution theory?  SSRN
  • The emergence of profit and interest in the monetary circuit   SSRN
  • Profit for Marxists   SSRN
  • Primary and Secondary Markets   SSRN
  • Debunking squared   SSRN
  • Understanding profit and the markets: the Canonical Model   SSRN
  • Income distribution, profit, and real shares   SSRN
  • When Ricardo saw profit, he called it rent: on the vice of parochial realism  SSRN
  • Schumpeter and the essence of profit   SSRN
  • Uniform profit ratios   SSRN
  • Keynes' missing axioms   SSRN


Wikimedia AXEC143d AXEC® Profit Law and Balances Equation (with the increasing complexity of the economy)