November 30, 2015

Keynesianism: cross-references

  • In the grand scheme of things, Lord Keynes was only a small-time crook   here
  • Your economics is refuted on all counts: here is the real thing   here
  • Wikipedia, economics, scientific knowledge, or political agenda pushing?   here
  • Keynes ― the poster boy for the weakness of the economist’s mind   here
  • The real trouble with Capitalism: stupid/corrupt economists   here
  • The end of Mankiw and his Phillips Curve   here
  • Links on the Economics Nobel   here
  • After 200+ years even economics becomes a science?   here
  • Circus Maximus: Economics as entertainment, personality gossip, virtue signaling, and lifestyle promotion   here
  • The worthlessness of Value Theory   here
  • How incompetent are economic methodologists? Very!   here
  • Links ‘Keynes: socialist, liberal, or conservative?’   here
  • The missing elephant of full employment policy   here
  • Economics a science? Surely you are joking, Mr. Cochrane   here
  • Economics: failure, fake, fraud   here
  • Post-Keynesianism vs MMT: a Zombie debate   here
  • Scientific ignorance is political strength   here
  • Dear idiots, it is deficit spending that creates the distribution people complain about   here
  • From Keynes’ fatal blunder to the true economic model   here
  • Economics: The proto-scientific mob embroiled in just another gang war    here
  • The retirement of a fake scientist and real agenda pusher   here
  • Links on capital-T Truth, stupidity, corruption   here
  • The clock runs down on economics   here
  • Dear idiots, time to get saving and investment straight (II)   here
  • What it takes to become a great economist   here
  • Still beyond the reach of economists: The Holy Grail of Science   here
  • Krugman vs MMT ― like the blind talking about colors   here
  • “But economics is not pure mathematics or logic” No, it is pure blather   here
  • What is wrong with MMT? and What is wrong with Brad DeLong?   here
  • Ontological uncertainty is NOT the problem but economists’ ontological stupidity   here
  • Economics: A failed/fake science for 200+ years   here
  • #DrainTheScientificSwamp   here
  • Keynes, Kalecki, MMT, and the accidental invention of the perpetual profit machine   here
  • Economics should never be a substitute for thinking   here
  • Oxford economics — still at the proto-scientific level   here
  • Brian Romanchuk’s Post-Keynesian idiocy   here
  • Dean Baker: progressive agenda pusher for the Oligarchy   here
  • Heterodox economics: When stupidity becomes a public danger   here
  • Economics as tireless production of proto-scientific garbage: inflation theory as an example   here
  • Both mainstream economics and MMT are axiomatically false   here
  • China does NOT need Keynesianism   here
  • #DeleteKeynes #ExpelAllKeynesians   here
  • Economics, too, is pre-truth   here
  • How Keynesians, Lernerians, MMTers make the oligarchy great   here
  • Hooray! The formalization issue is finally settled   here
  • Profit and the Private-Property-Irrelevance Theorem   here
  • Knowledge is attainable ― even in economics   here
  • MMT vs Keynesianism: nothing to chose   here
  • Capitalism, poverty, exploitation, and cross-over exploitation   here
  • Forget Keynes   here
  • Fiscal policy and the Humpty Dumpty Fallacy   here
  • I is never equal S and even Nick Rowe will eventually grasp it   here
  • Economists, stupid or corrupt or both?   here
  • Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit   here
  • Macro for retarded economists   here
  • Keynes’ intellectual nonexistence   here
  • Demand-led and wage-led growth   here
  • Selling public debt with Ricardo’s tear gland rhetoric   here
  • Freedom for fake scientists?   here
  • A brief history of soapbox economics   here
  • Full employment through the price mechanism   here
  • MMT: Redistribution as wellness program   here
  • Why is MMT so false?   here
  • Setting the history of economic non-thought right   here
  • The profit effect of a Job Guarantee   here
  • National Accounting: scientific incompetence or political fraud?   here
  • MMT: for the record   here
  • Post-Keynesianism, too, is indefensible   here
  • Economic methodology for the little guy   here
  • The Death of Keynesianism   here
  • MMT: NO sound scientific foundations   here
  • Keynesians ― terminally stupid or worse?   here
  • Loanable funds ― no hoax, just breathtaking stupidity   here
  • How some MMTers got inflation wrong   here
  • After-Keynesian zombie interbreeding   here
  • Forget Friedman, forget Keynes   here
  • Intellectual deficit spending   here
  • You are fired!   here
  • Keynesianism ― the economists’ senile dementia   here
  • Textbooks and the mental cloning of dumb economists   here
  • Just revealed: IS-LM is dead for 80+ years   here
  • Post-Keynesianism, too, is proto-scientific rubbish   here
  • Consensus, buddy consensus, scientific consensus, or what?   here
  • First Lecture in New Economic Thinking   here
  • Austerity and the total disconnect between economic policy and science   here
  • IS-LM ― a crash course for EconoPhysicists   here
  • Ricardian vice and Keynesian confusedness   here
  • Media-fake-farce-fraud-storytelling-macro   here
  • The Law of Economists’ Increasing Stupidity   here
  • Redefining economics   here
  • Review of the economics troops   here
  • Keynes saw the problems but did not solve them   here
  • Austerity and the idiocy of political economists   here
  • Pants kicking is over, let’s do serious economics now   here
  • Walras, Keynes, Samuelson, DSGE, IS-LM ― R.I.P.   here
  • Windmill economics   here
  • New IS-LM macro ― just another fake revolution   here
  • Why not simply throw all economists under the bus?   here
  • Why Bernie Sanders is unintentionally a godsend for the one-percenters   here
  • Going beyond Wicksell, Keynes and MMT   here
  • Macroeconomics without Keynes   here
  • Economists: Incompetent? Stupid? Corrupt?   here
  • Three sickening facts about Keynesianism   here
  • Delusions of useful idiots   here
  • Mass unemployment: The joint failure of orthodox and heterodox economics   here
  • How the 99 percent can bring overall profit of the 1 percent legally down to zero in 2017   here
  • Strange noise in the graveyard of economics   here
  • Economics: Poor philosophy, poor psychology, poor science   here
  • Narrative economics and the imperatives of the sitcom   here
  • Say hello to Lars Syll, Keynes’ last parrot   here
  • A political stench is in the air   here
  • The futile synthesis of neoclassical rubbish and Keynesian garbage   here
  • Economists and their silly excuses   here
  • The IS-LM macro imbeciles   here
  • Keynesianism is broken: Get over it!   here
  • Economic policy advice has never had sound scientific foundations   here
  • The final smackdown of blah-blah-Keynesianism   here
  • Macroeconomics ― dead since Keynes   here
  • Macro for dummies (I)  here
  • The monetary circuit and how economists got it wrong   here
  • Nick Rowe: Bury me at the end of coal-pit   here
  • Why economists know nothing   here
  • Rethinking MMT   here
  • Rethinking the Profit Law   here
  • Rethinking deficit spending   here
  • Who or what exactly did Keynes save?   here
  • Keynes’ message for contemporaries   here
  • A new curriculum for swampies?   here
  • How to end the futile economics zombie ping-pong   here
  • Political economics: a deadhead sitcom   here
  • It is better to be precisely right than roughly wrong   here
  • There is NO such thing as an economic expert   here
  • The father of modern economics and his imbecile kids   here
  • Unemployment is high because economics is false   here
  • Tobin, the tragedy of After-Keynesians, and the indelible mark of incompetence   here
  • Economics: the simple logic of failure   here
  • From false micro to true macro: the new economic paradigm   here
  • How economists murdered the economy and got away with it   here
  • Scientific suicide in the revolving door   here
  • The final implosion of MMT   here
  • How the mainstream vanished in the gutter   here
  • Not big news: political economics is a failure   here
  • Orthodoxy vs. Heterodoxy: the squabbling of quacks   here
  • Economics: a science without scientists   here
  • Hobson got full employment policy almost right   here
  • Economists have no brains here
  • Heterodoxy ― a new paradigm or just another political sect?   here
  • Economics between science and magic   here
  • The bigots of common sense   here
  • A new episode of one of the worst blunders of economics   here
  • Keynesian macrofoundations are defective   here
  • Stuck with the economics prisoner’s dilemma   here
  • NAIRU ― a folk psychological hallucination   here
  • The Cambridge crap curriculum   here
  • The very serious blunders of very serious people   here
  • Note on saving and investment   here
  • Feeble thinkers, feeble rethinkers: the perennial misery of economics   here
  • Economics and scientific foolishness   here
  • Just for the record: Economics is dead   here
  • Prediction/Forecasting   here
  • A brief rectification of employment theory   here
  • The general theory of scientific incompetence   here
  • Sticky prices or sticky brains?   here
  • The choice between Friedmanian pest and Keynesian cholera   here
  • The trouble with Naked Keynesianism   here
  • How Keynes got macro wrong and Allais got it right   here
  • From gossip to the correct employment theory   here
  • All models are false because all economists are stupid   here
  • Kick out the king and don’t forget the jesters   here
  • Outside of science   here
  • Unemployment ― the toughest challenge for economics students   here
  • Scientists and science actors   here
  • No future for axiomatically false economics   here
  • Critique is good, refutation is better, paradigm shift is best   here
  • From subjective weighing of motives to objective systemic properties   here
  • Micro and macro inconsistency   here
  • Soapbox economics   here
  • Keynesianism: The triumph of blathering over thinking   here
  • Clueless about money and profit   here
  • Economists: No legitimacy whatever   here
  • Putting the production function back on its feet   here
  • Causa finita: the end of I=S/IS-LM   here
  • False and true economic laws   here
  • Krugman is not an economist   here
  • Unemployment is the outcome of political economics   here
  • Economists and the economy ― a nonstarter since 200 years   here
  • Equilibrium is stone dead — and now?   here
  • Turning the bananatization of economics around   here
  • Sumner’s proto-scientific-garbage   here
  • Demystifying employment theory and policy   here
  • Post-Keynesianism, science, and universal idiocy   here
  • The unfinished Keynes (III)   here
  • Enough! Economists, retire now!   here
  • What is dead certain in an uncertain world: economists’ abysmal incompetence   here
  • The other half plus the hitherto missing true foundations of macroeconomics   here
  • Not a question of simplicity but of stupidity   here
  • How to get rid of the silly Queen   here
  • Fatal defects of profit and market theory   here
  • Politics is national, science is not   here
  • Getting out of IS-LM = Getting out of despair   here
  • Keynes, the methodologist   here
  • Making tools work in economics   here
  • The mad flip-floppers   here
  • The tiny little problem with economics   here
  • Could we, please, all focus on the key question of economics?   here
  • What Keynes really meant but could not really prove   here
  • The real trouble with Econ 101   here
  • Neo-Paleo-Stupidicism   here
  • The great economic equations   here
  • Keynesianism as ultimate profit machine   here
Working papers
  • The Three Fatal Mistakes of Yesterday Economics: Profit, I=S, Employment   here
  • The Truly General Theory of Employment: How Keynes Could Have Succeeded   here
  • Mr. Keynes, Prof. Krugman, IS-LM, and the End of Economics as We Know It   here
  • Keynes’ Employment Function and the Gratuitous Phillips Curve Disaster   here
  • Why Post Keynesianism Is Not Yet a Science   here
  • Keynes’ Missing Axioms   here

Economists got macroeconomic profit wrong. Because of this foundational blunder, the whole of economics is proto-scientific garbage for 200+ years, see Ch. 13, The indelible scientific disgrace of economics, in Sovereign Economics, BoD.