November 30, 2015

Scientific Incompetence: cross-references

  • Your economics is refuted on all counts: here is the real thing   here
  • Clear thinking in economics: hahaha!   here
  • Economists’ foundational conceptual blunder   here
  • The GDP death blow for the economics profession   here
  • Advancing humanity. Really?   here
  • In the grand scheme of things, Lord Keynes was only a small-time crook   here
  • Not all academic pursuits are science   here
  • Psychologism: how morons explain the world   here
  • Let's bury economics now   here
  • Bang — the representative economist and supply-demand-equilibrium are dead   here
  • The tragedy of economics: stupid/corrupt economists   here
  • No False-Hero Memorials (II)   here
  • All behavior-based economic textbooks are false   here
  • Disgrace again ― is economics really that bad?   here
  • Economists can hardly wait for their burial at the Flat-Earth Cemetery   here
  • Economics is a disgrace ― now more than ever   here
  • Wikipedia, economics, scientific knowledge, or political agenda pushing?   here
  • Profit   here
  • Mainstream vs MMT ― another clown show   here
  • Microfoundations are dead for 150+ years: high time to move on   here
  • Mission accomplished: Economists as useful idiots of the Oligarchy   here
  • Trust in science? Yes, but economics is NOT a science   here
  • Economics ― the science that never was   here
  • Get it econ suckers: behavioral microfoundations ⇒ false, systemic macrofoundations ⇒ true   here
  • New Economic Thinking ― the definitive results   here
  • Ending the pluralism of provably false economic theories with the long-overdue Paradigm Shift   here
  • Economics, philosophy, and the crapification of science   here
  • Marx and Marxists ― too stupid for the elementary algebra of profit   here
  • Econogenics: economists pose a hazard to their fellow citizens   here
  • The sectoral balances obfuscation: stupidity or corruption?   here
  • Scrap the EconNobel   here
  • Keynes ― the poster boy for the weakness of the economist’s mind   here
  • Homo oeconomicus: the never-ending folk-psychological shitshow   here
  • Economics, math, pluralism, and corruption   here
  • What’s wrong with DSGE models is the axiom set   here
  • The end of Mankiw and his Phillips Curve   here
  • Links on the Economics Nobel   here
  • Deficit cheerleaders ― the Oligarchy’s useful idiots   here
  • Economics: No method to the madness   here
  • Economics ― not science, not ideology, just useful idiocy   here
  • The apocalypse of stupidity   here
  • After 200+ years even economics becomes a science   here
  • Circus Maximus: Economics as entertainment, personality gossip, virtue signaling, and lifestyle promotion   here
  • Profit analysis ― another exercise in economic deception   here
  • The only thing we can learn from economic models is what proto-scientific garbage looks like   here
  • How incompetent are economic methodologists? Very!   here
  • The Palgrave Dictionary ― a comprehensive collection of False-Hero-Memorials   here
  • Econ 101: Economists flunk the intelligence test at the first hurdle   here
  • Are economics professors really that incompetent? Yes!   here
  • Links on ‘Keynes: socialist, liberal, or conservative?’   here
  • Finally, the embarrassment of economics is over   here
  • You know you are in the political Circus Maximus when economists talk about Democracy/Liberty/Freedom   here
  • Economics debate ― just another variant of hardcore wrestling   here
  • Economics a science? Surely you are joking, Mr. Cochrane   here
  • Economics ― nothing but claptrap, twaddle, drivel, slip-slop, wish-wash, waffle, and proto-scientific garbage   here
  • Economics: The greatest scientific hoax in modern times   here
  • Mad but true: 200+ years after Adam Smith economists still have no idea what profit is   here
  • Macroeconomics: Economists are too stupid for science   here
  • The CCC ― a monument of economists’ utter scientific incompetence   here
  • Yes, economists are really that stupid   here
  • From Keynes’ fatal blunder to the true economic model   here
  • Dear idiots, MMTers are Wall Street’s agenda pushers   here
  • Economists: “a bevy of camp-following whores”   here
  • The public-debt and private-profit pushers   here
  • To this day, economists have produced NOT ONE textbook that satisfies scientific standards   here
  • Links on capital-T Truth, stupidity, corruption   here
  • Refuting MMT’s Macroeconomics Textbook   here
  • The clock runs down on economics   here
  • Economists: Either stupid or corrupt or both   here
  • Economists: Trolls with a mortarboard   here
  • Dear idiots, time to get saving and investment straight (I)   here
  • Economics as a cover for agenda-pushing   here
  • What it takes to become a great economist   here
  • Dear idiots, Marx got profit and exploitation wrong   here
  • Still beyond the reach of economists: The Holy Grail of Science   here
  • Who is really a scientist?   here
  • Economists/MMTers: agenda pushers, distractors, blockers, muters, censors   here
  • Socialism and scientific incompetence   here
  • What and where is profit?   here
  • If religion is opium of the people, economics is crack of the people   here
  • Economics as storytelling and entertainment for the masses   here
  • Here is the long-overdue scientific death certificate for Marx and Marxists   here
  • There is NO such thing as “smart, honest, honorable economists”   here
  • Profit and macrofoundations   here
  • False economic theory makes bad economic policy   here
  • Econogenics in action   here
  • Economics: A failed/fake science for 200+ years   here
  • The end of political economics (II)   here
  • Trust in economics as a science?   here
  • #DrainTheScientificSwamp   here
  • The failure of Post-Keynesianism   here
  • MMT sucks   here
  • Economics should never be a substitute for thinking   here
  • “I never learned maths, so I had to think” ― another False-Hero-Memorial   here
  • You don’t see what you don’t see: censorship in the econblogosphere   here
  • The economist as useful political idiot   here
  • Whatever this is, it is NOT economics   here
  • The inexorable Paradigm Shift in economics   here
  • Wikipedia and the promotion of economists’ idiotism (II)   here
  • And the answer is NCND ― economics after 200+ years of Glomarization   here
  • The miracle cure of economists’ micro-macro schizo   here
  • Hooray! The formalization issue is finally settled   here
  • Both orthodox and heterodox economists are cargo cult scientists   here
  • Why is economics a total scientific failure?   here
  • Overreach: Economists have their fingers in every pie except real economics   here
  • Knowledge is attainable ― even in economics   here
  • Forget Keynes   here
  • Economics: a comedy of errors full of intrigue and aberration   here
  • Time to retire political economists   here
  • Down with idiocy!   here
  • Again and again: economists are incompetent scientists   here
  • Economics: Defending the indefensible   here
  • Freedom for fake scientists?   here
  • The economist as amateur journalist   here
  • Lethal criticism of economics? Here it is!   here
  • Economics: stories, narratives, and disinformation   here
  • How the representative economist gets it wrong big-time   here
  • Economists understand neither Capitalism nor Socialism   here
  • Fact of life: Your econ prof is scientifically incompetent   here
  • Mission impossible: economists join WeThePeople here
  • Legitimacy lost   here
  • Heterodox economics: When stupidity becomes a public danger   here
  • Stephanie and Noah ― economics at the intellectual zero lower bound   here
  • Economics as tireless production of proto-scientific garbage: inflation theory as an example   here
  • Why the MMT benefactors of humanity never talk about profit   here
  • MMT = Modern Monetary Trash   here
  • Both Mainstreamer and MMTer are either stupid or corrupt or both   here
  • Forget mainstream economics, scrap MMT, move on to the new paradigm   here
  • Both mainstream economics and MMT are axiomatically false   here
  • MMT and the single most stupid physicist   here
  • Go! ― test the Profit and Employment Law   here
  • Economists simply don’t get it   here
  • Lock them up   here
  • The biggest scientific mistake of the last centuries, and it has much to do with academic economists   here
  • The economist as useful political idiot   here
  • MMT, Bill Mitchell, and the lack of basic scientific integrity   here
  • #DeleteKeynes #ExpelAllKeynesians   here
  • Economics, too, is pre-truth   here
  • Economics: Math is NOT the problem, scientific incompetence is   here
  • The Magic Money Tree is real ― too bad that the magic is fraud   here
  • The present non-existence of economics   here
  • What’s the use of economists?   here
  • The inexorable paradigm shift in economics   here
  • There is no soft science only soft brains   here
  • Wikipedia and the promotion of economists’ idiotism (II)   here
  • And the answer is NCND ― economics after 200+ years of Glomarization   here
  • The Theory of Value and the worthlessness of economics   here
  • The miracle cure of economists’ micro-macro schizo   here
  • Hooray! The formalization issue is finally settled   here
  • Beware of the moralizing economist   here
  • Profit: after 200+ years, economists are still in the woods   here
  • Do first your macroeconomic homework!   here
  • Employment theory as an example of proto-scientific soapbubbling   here
  • How economists missed out on the essential relationship of economics   here
  • The demise of phony experts: macroeconomics is provably false   here
  • Both orthodox and heterodox economists are cargo cult scientists   here
  • Marx’s bicentennial ― nothing to discuss, nothing to celebrate   here
  • Did economics fail? No! Yes, and everybody knows it!   here
  • Why is economics a total scientific failure?   here
  • Profit: after 200+ years still elusive   here
  • Neoclassical growth theory: modeling gone nuts   here
  • Infantile model bricolage, or, How many economists can dance on a non-existing pinpoint?   here
  • Overreach: Economists have their fingers in every pie except real economics   here
  • Stop beating mainstream economics ― it is long dead   here
  • Knowledge is attainable ― even in economics   here
  • MMT: Just another political fraud   here
  • New insight from Meta-Learning: delete economics   here
  • Economists ― standing on the shoulders of dwarfs   here
  • Capitalism, poverty, exploitation, and cross-over exploitation   here
  • Economics has arrived at the bottom of the proto-scientific shithole   here
  • Behavioral economics ― forever stuck at the proto-scientific level   here
  • Economics: When the scientifically unfit blather about science   here
  • Economists: political trolls for 200+ years   here
  • Economics: communication without content   here
  • Fiscal policy and the Humpty Dumpty Fallacy   here
  • Economists never understood how the price mechanism works   here
  • Macro for retarded economists   here
  • Silly criticism of economics: 11 signs that you are the imbecile   here
  • Again and again: economists are incompetent scientists   here
  • False models and true incompetence   here
  • Mr. Corbyn and the perils of political economics   here
  • Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump and exploding profit   here
  • Economics: Defending the indefensible   here
  • Deficit-spending/money-creation is ALWAYS a bad deal for WeThePeople   here
  • Dilettantes at the end of the coal-pit   here
  • Yes, economics is a bogus science   here
  • How to make economics a science   here
  • Lethal criticism of economics? Here it is!   here
  • Everything you know about MMT is wrong   here
  • How the representative economist gets it wrong big-time   here
  • Joan Robinson and the early death of Behavioral Economics   here
  • Why does Heterodoxy not abolish the fake Nobel?   here
  • A social science is NOT a science but a sitcom   here
  • Setting the history of economic non-thought right   here
  • The ethics of science is consistency ― economics is inconsistent   here
  • 10 steps to leave cargo cult economics behind for good   here
  • Solving Mill’s starting problem   here
  • The new macroeconomic paradigm   here
  • New Economic Thinking = old scientific garbage   here
  • Why is economics such a scientific embarrassment?   here
  • CORE: more lipstick on the dead economics pig   here
  • Economics: the emancipation of science from politics   here
  • What makes economics a failed science?    here
  • Post-Keynesianism, too, is indefensible   here
  • The flat-earth realism of economists   here
  • Why economists don’t know what profit is   here
  • Hunting down the economics body snatchers   here
  • Robert Solow and Lars Syll, fake scientists   here
  • Economics: a ‘science’ from suckers for suckers   here
  • Barkley Rosser, fake scientist   here
  • In search of new economists   here
  • The five pathetic blunders of Roger Farmer   here
  • Fact of life: your econ prof is scientifically incompetent   here
  • Economics, philosophy, and mathematics   here
  • Milton Friedman, fake scientist   here
  • After-Keynesian zombie interbreeding   here
  • Economists: just too stupid for counting   here
  • Macro for dummies   here
  • Economics is not a science, not a religion, but proto-scientific rubbish   here
  • We are not yet out of the wood; in fact, we are not yet in it   here
  • Keynesianism ― the economists’ senile dementia   here
  • Economists: scientists or political clowns?   here
  • The minimum wage debate: a showpiece of economists’ hereditary idiocy   here
  • Empiricism, or looking through the microscope at the universe   here
  • Economics and the Fallacy of Insufficient Abstraction   here
  • Have we reached the bottom of gossip economics?   here
  • Morons on math   here
  • The long genealogical tree of economic storytelling   here
  • Economics: 200+ years of scientific incompetence and fraud   here
  • Simpleminded losers   here
  • Needed: The Worst of the Worst of economics blogs   here
  • Think deeper   here
  • Textbooks and the mental cloning of dumb economists   here
  • Just another wreck   here
  • Just revealed: IS-LM is dead for 80+ years   here
  • Soapbox economics   here
  • Garbage economics   here
  • Hijackers, agenda pushers, PsySocs, and other morons   here
  • Equilibrium and the violation of a fundamental principle of science   here
  • Post Keynesianism, too, is proto-scientific garbage   here
  • Needed: the Top Ten of substandard economics blogs   here
  • Getting out of the economics swamp   here
  • Economists ― blinded by political balloons   here
  • Make econ true   here
  • Economics’ lack of scientific legitimacy   here
  • Failed critique of failed economics   here
  • Economics ― a doctor worse than the disease   here
  • The stupidity of Heterodoxy is the life insurance of Orthodoxy   here
  • Ditch scientific incompetence!   here
  • Media-fake-farce-fraud-storytelling-macro   here
  • Toward the New Academy   here
  • How to overcome the manifest silliness of Econ 101 and save the economy   here
  • The Law of Economists’ Increasing Stupidity   here
  • Redefining economics   here
  • What is REALLY wrong with macro   here
  • From the pluralism of false models to the true economic theory   here
  • The fundamental problem of economics: scientific incompetence aka stupidity   here
  • The non-existence of economics   here
  • Bad economics, futile critique, and illusive new thinking   here
  • In economics, the scientific breakthrough is always just around the next corner   here
  • Where economics went wrong   here
  • There is no scientific elite in economics   here
  • Economics between mathiness, dyscalculia and idiocy   here
  • Schizonomics   here
  • Modern macro moronism   here
  • Pants kicking is over, let’s do serious economics now   here
  • The methodological blunders of fake scientists   here
  • If it isn’t macro-axiomatized, it isn’t economics   here
  • Economics is a science? You must be joking!   here
  • Why not simply throw all economists under the bus?   here
  • Economics, methodology, morals ― a creepy freak-show   here
  • New economic thinking, or, let’s put lipstick on the dead pig   here
  • Paul the Menace   here
  • Economists and the destructive power of stupidity   here
  • Macroeconomics without Keynes   here
  • Friedman and the cluelessness of fake scientists   here
  • Economism, vulgar economics, and the curse of goofy critics   here
  • Traditional Heterodoxy’s paradigmatic impotence   here
  • Economists: Incompetent? Stupid? Corrupt?   here
  • Gossip economics   here
  • Delusions of useful idiots   here
  • Mass unemployment: The joint failure of orthodox and heterodox economics   here
  • Economics ― worse than fake   here
  • Ideology? Incompetence? Fake? Or all this together?   here
  • Strange noise in the graveyard of economics   here
  • Economics: Poor philosophy, poor psychology, poor science   here
  • Economics is indefensible   here
  • The united tribe of the scientifically incompetent   here
  • Inequality: Market failure or theory failure?   here
  • Narrative economics and the imperatives of the sitcom   here
  • Failed economics: The losers’ long list of lame excuses   here
  • Complexity and stupidity   here
  • When fake scientists call out on fake politicians   here
  • How to finally hammer down the nails in the coffin of Monty Python economics   here
  • Economics: The pluralism of false theories is over   here
  • The futile synthesis of neoclassical rubbish and Keynesian garbage   here
  • Economists and their silly excuses   here
  • The one stone that kills orthodox and heterodox employment theory   here
  • Economics: The pathetic story of two failures   here
  • The IS-LM macro imbeciles   here
  • Economic policy advice has never had sound scientific foundations   here
  • Macroeconomics ― dead since Keynes   here
  • Economics ― a Zombie wrestling show   here
  • Economics, methodology, and the Molehill Impossibility   here
  • Economics is not post-truth but pre-truth   here
  • Ground Control to David Glasner   here
  • Heterodoxy and the re-invention of science   here
  • Nick Rowe: Bury me at the end of coal-pit   here
  • Economists: the Trumps of science   here
  • Why economists know nothing   here
  • The economist as standup comedian   here
  • Economists: Jacks of all trades ― except economics   here
  • A new curriculum for swampies?   here
  • How to end the futile economics zombie ping-pong   here
  • Political economics: a deadhead sitcom   here
  • It is better to be precisely right than roughly wrong   here
  • There is NO such thing as an economic expert   here
  • The father of modern economics and his imbecile kids   here
  • Unemployment is high because economics is false   here
  • Economics: the simple logic of failure   here
  • How economists murdered the economy and got away with it   here
  • The final implosion of MMT   here
  • How the mainstream vanished in the gutter   here
  • Not big news: political economics is a failure   here
  • The truth about truth in economics   here
  • Orthodoxy vs. Heterodoxy: the squabbling of quacks   here
  • Economics: a science without scientists   here
  • Heterodoxy ― a new paradigm or just another political sect?   here
  • Economics between physics and psychiatry   here
  • New economic thinking ― false promises and hopes   here
  • A new episode of one of the worst blunders of economics   here
  • Keynesian macrofoundations are defective   here
  • Stuck with the economics prisoner’s dilemma   here
  • NAIRU ― a folk psychological hallucination   here
  • The Cambridge crap curriculum   here
  • The very serious blunders of very serious people   here
  • Feeble thinkers, feeble rethinkers: the perennial misery of economics   here
  • Cheerleading the cargo cult   here
  • Just for the record: economics is dead   here
  • ICYMI Prediction/Forecasting   here
  • It’s in the hardcore, stupid   here
  • When proto-scientific Heterodoxy calls Orthodoxy pseudo-scientific   here
  • The general theory of scientific incompetence   here
  • The real problem with the economics Nobel   here
  • How Keynes got macro wrong and Allais got it right   here
  • All models are false because all economists are stupid   here
  • Kick out the king and don’t forget the jesters   here
  • Outside of science   here
  • Dead men tweeting   here
  • Scientists and science actors   here
  • No future for axiomatically false economics   here
  • Micro and macro inconsistency   here
  • Marshall and the Cambridge school of plain economic gibberish   here
  • Keynesianism: The triumph of blathering over thinking   here
  • Clueless about money and profit   here
  • Economists: No legitimacy whatever   here
  • Causa finita: the end of I=S/IS-LM   here
  • Turning the bananatization of economics around   here
  • Demystifying employment theory and policy   here
  • Nothing to choose between Orthodoxy and traditional Heterodoxy   here
  • Failed institutions   here
  • How to get rid of an obsolete theory   here
  • Economics and Project Augean Stable   here
  • A heap of scientific rubbish   here
  • Eclecticism, anything goes, and the pluralism of false theories   here
  • Economics is NOT a social science   here
  • Economists’ full-scale retreat   here
  • Heterodoxy’s scientific self-burial   here
  • Post Keynesianism, science, and universal idiocy   here
  • The unfinished Keynes (III)   here
  • Economics: The chief demerit is inconsistency   here
  • Economic policy guidance out of the scientific kindergarten   here
  • Substandard reasoners   here
  • Making the economy the focus of the economists’ dialogue   here
  • Why J. S. Mill had no friendly word for the bigots and votaries of common sense   here
  • The bigots of common sense   here
  • Misled by ordinary intuition and common sense   here
  • Appearances and evidence   here
  • Economics, too, has been almost ruined by the bigots of common sense   here
  • Low-IQ economics: the beginner’s guide   here
  • Common sense is worse than misleading   here
  • Common non-sense   here
  • Yeah, it makes sense   here
  • Krugman is not an economist   here
  • Economists and the economy ― a nonstarter since 200 years   here
  • Sumner’s proto-scientific garbage   here
  • Nothing to choose between Orthodoxy and traditional Heterodoxy   here
  • Failed institutions   here
  • A heap of scientific rubbish   here
  • Post Keynesianism, science, and universal idiocy   here
  • Economics: The chief demerit is inconsistency   here
  • Substandard reasoners   here
  • Feeble minds, shaky assumptions, and the inevitable failure of economics   here
  • Enough! Economists, retire now!   here
  • What is dead certain in an uncertain world: economists’ abysmal incompetence   here
  • Not a question of simplicity but of stupidity   here
  • What’s wrong with Econ 101? Economists, of course!   here
  • Economics is locked in idiocy: How could this happen?   here
  • Economics: A cargo cult science from the very beginning   here
  • Forget Chicago, and also Cambridge   here
  • When substandard thinkers dabble in science it is called economics   here
  • Methodological wrong-way drivers   here
  • Cranks? What cranks? That’s economics!   here
  • Econ 101: Dull teachers and dull students in the endless loop   here
  • Neo-Paleo-Stupidicism   here
  • Economics: From proto-science to freak show   here
  • A science without scientists   here
  • The economist as storyteller   here
  • Why don’t economists simply shut up for a while?   here
  • The economic Sisyphus: Forever kicking the can down the wrong road   here
  • Marginalism is the landmark of scientific incompetence   here
  • Mathiness is NOT the problem — scientific incompetence is   here
  • Econ 101 or How to train morons   here
  • Economics: ‘a tale told by an idiot ... signifying nothing’   here
  • The monstrous utility-supply-demand-equilibrium failure   here
  • As Napoleon said: don’t listen to economists   here
  • Stanley Fischer: Rewarding scientific incompetence   here
  • Economics: neither craft nor science   here
  • Macro of and for the scientifically blind and deaf   here
  • Quixotic Keynes exegesis   here
  • How the intelligent non-economist can refute every economist hands down   here
  • How economists became the scientific laughing stock   here
  • The ur-blunder of economics and its rectification   here
  • The Fisher Effect — a specimen of scientific incompetence   here
  • The tragedy of Heterodoxy   here
  • Profit and the collective failure of economists   here
  • Still behind the curve   here
  • Humpty Dumpty is back again   here
  • Getting out of moronomics   here
  • Stop knowing nothing, start knowing something   here
  • Moronomics   here
  • Is Keynes acceptable?   here
  • The irrelevance of economics   here
  • How to be a good scientist   here
  • Exponentially growing garbage   here
  • Trapped in false alternatives   here
  • Disoriented and lost in folk psychology   here
  • The philosophy of know-nothingers   here
  • Whatever it is, let's call it conservatism   here
  • Much change, no progress   here
  • How to stop idiot-breeding   here
  • No future for the representative economist   here
  • Secular intellectual stagnation   here
  • Economics: the honeypot for know-nothingers   here
  • Worthwhile Canadian filibuster?   here
  • Economics as scientific South Seas   here
  • The Hicks drive   here
  • The Phillips curve as intelligence test   here
  • Modern Moronomic Theory   here
  • Back at Keynes' problem    here
  • How to save the economy from storytelling economists   here
  • Oh no! How could this happen?   here
  • The end of storytelling    here and here
  • Stubbornly in the wrong research program    here
  • How to consistently start off on the wrong foot   here
  • Cartoon science    here
  • Mental messies and loose losers    here
  • All economists together now: Solow’s Swan Song   here
  • More than two centuries of waffling in the dark    here
  • Flight of ideas and the dead end of all econtalk    here
  • McCloskey and the lizard's tail    here
  • Sloppiness as economic methodology    here
  • Ditch it all    here
  • Methiness    here
  • Sitcom economics    here
  • From one roadside ditch straight into the other    here
  • The science that never was    here
  • Market blunder    here 
  • No license for drivel    here 
  • Science and travesty    here
  • What economics is not about    here 
  • The epic ping-pong of empty problem and vacuous solution    here 
  • Economics is not what most economists think it is    here
  • Walrasian double-blunder    here 
  • Unfit in all dimensions    here
  • Mortifying scientific headstands    here 
  • Science or Circus Maximus?    here
  • The intelligent student's predicament    here
  • Methodology as Force Majeure    here
  • Bygones are bygones    here 
  • Angels-on-a-pinpoint scholasticism    here
  • MIT dilettantes    here  

"... we know little more now about ‘how the economy works,’ or about the modus operandi of the invisible hand than we knew in 1790, after Adam Smith completed the last revision of The Wealth of Nations."  (Clower)

"Economics of the last 200+ years is the most embarrassing failure in the history of modern science." For explanation and proof see here