— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 31, 2021
Macroeconomics: Economists are too stupid for sciencehttps://t.co/vTNWwrNUxA#DefundEconomics #FireEconomists #ScrapTheLot pic.twitter.com/DJJ7qZwJ3X
This blog connects to the AXEC Project which applies a superior method of economic analysis. The following comments have been posted on selected blogs as catalysts for the ongoing Paradigm Shift. The comments are brought together here for information. The full debates are directly accessible via the Blog-References. Scrap the lot and start again―that is what a Paradigm Shift is all about. Time to make economics a science.
July 31, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Macroeconomics ― lots of fun with teaching proto-scientific garbage
Occasional Tweets: First Economic Law of the macrofoundations Paradigm
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 31, 2021
First Economic Law® (attached) pic.twitter.com/bmLfGkSxpq
July 30, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Economics ― 200+ years of disinfotainment
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 30, 2021
Economics is NOT #Science but a #DisInfoTainment shit-show.
Economics as storytelling and entertainment for the masseshttps://t.co/SbHCzAqYov pic.twitter.com/fLOnmlrBqC
Occasional Tweets: Because macrofoundations are false, economics is proto-scientific garbage
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 30, 2021
Macroeconomics ― still dead after 80+ yearshttps://t.co/D20TrmDMsi pic.twitter.com/5e0IwCE2kj
What is MMT? (III) ― Rectifying Bill Mitchell
- Deceiving WeThePeople ― the case of MMT/Bill Mitchell
- Bill Mitchell says that economists are fake scientists ― true, but MMTers are NOT different
- Proving Bill Mitchell wrong ― burying MMT for good
- Bill Mitchell cracks the spending whip over the Swabian housewife
- Bill Mitchell, MMT, Progressives: economists as Oligarchy hacks
- Mainstream vs MMT ― another clown show
- Economic backstabbing: Bill Mitchell hits again
- Bill Mitchell’s pure MMT teachings for British Labour
- Bill Mitchell’s dishonorable discharge from the sciences
- Bill Mitchell ― Wall Street’s hitman keeps an eye on MMT defeatists
- MMT, Bill Mitchell, and the lack of basic scientific integrity
- How Bill Mitchell stalks Jeremy Corbyn
- MMT is dead: An unfriendly critique of Bill Mitchell
- Bill Mitchell, MMT’s fake scientist
- Cryptoeconomics ― the best of Bill Mitchell’s spam folder
- The final implosion of MMT
July 29, 2021
Ocassional Tweets: Economists ― crazy or scientifically incompetent?
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 29, 2021
“Economics is the study of the economy, not the study of economists.” (R. Reis)#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, are mutually contradictory, axiomatically false, materially/formally inconsistent. pic.twitter.com/LlTE3YvS8k
July 28, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Right policy depends on true theory
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 28, 2021
Econogenics: economists pose a hazard to their fellow citizenshttps://t.co/SyFCKMbDmx pic.twitter.com/gf6solpHYQ
Occasional Tweets: The absolute & invariable truth about orthodox & heterodox economics
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 28, 2021
The absolute & invariable #Truth is that #Economics is NOT #Science because #Economists are too stupid for the elementary #Algebra of #MacroFoundations. Bc of this, both #Orthodoxy & #Heterodoxy get the foundational economic concept of #Profit wrong. pic.twitter.com/8UqC0zOKE7
July 26, 2021
Occasional Tweets: It is no accident that economics has come down to disinfotainment
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 26, 2021
If you think this handball chit-chat is a harmless distraction, you are mistaken. Economists are always on duty as agenda pushers for the #Oligarchy. pic.twitter.com/JmZZm0yG2L
Debunking economists' favorite hallucinations
Occasional Tweets: Economics and the Age of Fraud
#Econ#FailedScience#FakeScience#Economists#StupidOrCorruptOrBoth#Economics has NEVER been #Science. #Economists are NOT #Scientists but too stupid for the elementary #Algebra that underlies #MacroEconomics. ⇒https://t.co/CfmwBuMFU0 pic.twitter.com/MVdWZ7S7tE
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 26, 2021
Occasional Tweets: How the economy works ― the Profit Law
This is how the #Economy works: the 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the #MMT policy of increased #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation will result in a #ProfitExplosion.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 26, 2021
MMT works just fine (for the Oligarchy)https://t.co/J7ThjKM5fF
Occasional Tweets: Profit explosion
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 26, 2021
COV is a godsend for the #Oligarchy. The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. More #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation produces a #ProfitExplosion.
Keynes, Lerner, MMT, Trump, Biden and exploding profithttps://t.co/ABFUc41eMs
Occasional Tweets: Behavioral Economics has always been cargo cult science
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 26, 2021
Get it econ suckers: behavioral microfoundations ⇒ false, systemic macrofoundations ⇒ truehttps://t.co/VufeQMFV1v pic.twitter.com/GFFxxTdmGj
July 25, 2021
Occasional Tweets: The basics about inflation (I)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 25, 2021
For 200+ years, the theory of #Inflation is proto-scientific garbage bc the theory of #Money is crap bc #MacroFoundations are false bc #Economists are too stupid for simple #Algebra.
Clueless economists / Inflationhttps://t.co/bvWgilUF1y pic.twitter.com/AlyyWbvR7J
Occasional Tweets: Economists ― agenda pushers for the Oligarchy
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 25, 2021
COV is a godsend for the #Oligarchy. The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. Therefore, the policy of increased #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation produces a #ProfitExplosion.
Occasional Tweets: Oligarchy vs WeThePeople ― who pays for COV?
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 25, 2021
The three dumbest MMT argumentshttps://t.co/DIKIEwGuAA
July 24, 2021
The three dumbest MMT arguments
July 23, 2021
Economics • Communication • Disinfotainment
Occasional Tweets: MMTers ― stupid or corrupt or both?
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 23, 2021
“Deficit of gov't = addition to the financial balance of non-gov't.” NO! The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S) implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. Thus, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. ⇒https://t.co/J7ThjKM5fF
July 21, 2021
Occasional Tweets: The axiomatic stake through the heart of the Quantity Theory
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 21, 2021
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure.
Forget Friedman, forget the Quantity Theoryhttps://t.co/UmRrHlfxsu
July 20, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Economists ― the Oligarchy's agenda pushers
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 20, 2021
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S) implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. Thus, the policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. Growing #PublicDebt produces a #ProfitExplosion. Thx, Mr. Biden.⇒https://t.co/ABFUc41eMs
July 18, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Abusing disaster for pushing the deficit/debt agenda
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 18, 2021
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. Their useful academic idiots abuse the flood to push the deficit/debt agenda. That's ethically/scientifically corrupt.
Occasional Tweets: Applause-trolling does not help ― macrofoundations are provably false
Obviously, you overlooked that Godley/Cripps messed up #MacroFoundations on p. 24: “It is extremely useful to chose definitions such that total income and expenditures … are identically equal…" NO! this is extremely stupid.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 18, 2021
Micro and macro inconsistencyhttps://t.co/byeOHoHHmG pic.twitter.com/gqYXybeIzo
Occasional Tweet: The deconstruction of supply-demand-equilibrium has long since been done
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 18, 2021
Bang — the representative economist and supply-demand-equilibrium are deadhttps://t.co/aNBIV3Tq92
How to Get Rid of Supply-Demand-Equilibriumhttps://t.co/hRcvWEQ6dH
The Law of Supply and Demand: Here It Is Finallyhttps://t.co/VKbRFurANb
July 17, 2021
Occasional Tweets: MMT and the Helping-the-Poor fraud
In real terms, stimulus checks for the poor redistribute output from the rest of #WeThePeople.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 17, 2021
The #MMT policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation translates into #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit for the #Oligarchy and #StealthTaxation for #WeThePeople.⇒https://t.co/EJwqgom77G pic.twitter.com/D3vLSlL4ci
Occasional Tweets: Employment and inflation ― right policy depends on true theory
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 17, 2021
The axiomatically correct macroeconomic #EmploymentLaw tells one that #PriceInflation is bad for #Employment, and #WageInflation is good.
Right policy depends on true theoryhttps://t.co/LbKFQnygXs
July 16, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Religion, science, fake science, economics
#Econ#Economics is about how the #Economy works and NOT about the Latin Mass. #Economists are too stupid for the elementary #Algebra of #MacroEconomics. Bc of this, they get the foundational concept of #Profit wrong. Bc of this, economics is proto-scientific garbage. pic.twitter.com/LBBq14c5z0
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 16, 2021
- If religion is opium of the people, economics is crack of the people
- Fake religion, fake science, fake news, and false complaints
- Economics is not science, not religion, but proto-scientific garbage
- No religion, merely incompetence
- The Supreme Being handed over these Twelve Economics Commandments
- Economists: Jacks-of-all-trades ― except economics
July 15, 2021
Occasional Tweets: MMTers ― abusing babies for pushing Wall Street's agenda
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 15, 2021
Stephanie Kelton's Deficit Myth is scientifically refuted and proven to be political agenda-pushing for the #Oligarchy.
The page where Stephanie Kelton gets macroeconomics wrong https://t.co/CNFDkXM1Ki
- Stephanie Kelton's modern monetary terror
- The Kelton Myth
- The memorable Kelton/Trump victory against WeThePeople
- Stephanie Kelton
- Stephanie Kelton: “All deficits are good for someone” Yes, Someone=Oligarchy
- Stephanie Kelton: MMT’s public farce
- How Stephanie Kelton brain-washes a lovely young English girl
- Stephanie Kelton sells children into debt slavery
- Paul’s and Stephanie’s economic delirium talk
- Stephanie Kelton and the self-destructive stupidity of the super-rich
- Stephanie Kelton on how to become fabulously wealthy
- Stephanie Kelton’s legendary Plain-Sight-Ink-Trick
- Links on Liza N. Burby‘s ‘Cutting-Edge Economist Stephanie Kelton Delivers Presidential Lecture’
- MMT: How mathematical incompetence helps the Kelton-Fraud
- The Kelton Fraud
- MMT pushes the Oligarchy's agenda ― and they push MMT
Occasional Tweets: Meet the young economists ― same driveling idiots as the old economists
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 15, 2021
What makes P. Heimberger think that he understands “macroeconomic relationships”? #Economists are too stupid for the elementary #Algebra that underlies #MacroEconomics.
Clueless economists / Macrofoundationshttps://t.co/Lj85oSJUY6 pic.twitter.com/XjrsLNMPCZ
July 13, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Keynes ― another episode of the ongoing proto-scientific shitshow
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 13, 2021
In the grand scheme of things, Lord Keynes was only a small-time crookhttps://t.co/qD8aPg7TXv pic.twitter.com/NhlL11oaI0
Occasional Tweets: Read Marx ― learn what failed/fake science is
#Economics#FailedScience#FakeScience#Economists who have read Marx and not realized that it is proto-scientific garbage should keep quiet and NOT make fools of themselves on Twitter.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 13, 2021
Dear idiots, Marx got profit and exploitation wronghttps://t.co/0kj2UV8UXT
- Keynes―Marx―Profit: The abysmal scientific failure of economics
- Marx and Marxists ― too stupid for the elementary algebra of profit
- Karl Marx, fake scientist
- Marx, the moron
- Marxism is one of four instances of proto-scientific garbage
- Here is the long-overdue scientific death certificate for Marx and Marxists
- Marx’s bicentennial ― nothing to discuss, nothing to celebrate
- 200 years in the dark ― how Marx got it wrong
- Profit for Marxists
- Capitalism, poverty, exploitation, and cross-over exploitation
July 12, 2021
Occasional Tweets: No bright future for stupidity/corruption
#Economics is and has always been #FakeScience. #Economists are and have always been #Clowns/#AgendaPushers/#UsefulIdiots in the political #CircusMaximus. Time to restore the strict separation of #Science and #Politics. ⇒https://t.co/UdAeo2HUJx
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 12, 2021
andhttps://t.co/tcf7JJQr5o pic.twitter.com/VFgvN55Kxk
Occasional Tweets: How MMTers serve the Oligarchy (II)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 12, 2021
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. Thus, the #MMT policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. Consequently, MMT scammers claim: “We need not a cent from the rich.” pic.twitter.com/CVYAjuZ5AC
July 11, 2021
Keynes―Marx―Profit: The abysmal scientific failure of economics
July 10, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Politicians have NOTHING to say in scientific matters
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 10, 2021
The unassailable formal refutation of MMThttps://t.co/xGwVw91M2n
Whether politicians are for or against MMT is a matter of indifference. Science has the last word and it is thumbs down on MMT.
Occasional Tweets: Economists ― a bunch of fake scientists, brain-dead agenda pushers, and silly applause trolls
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 10, 2021
How Steve Keen got the foundational economic concept of #Profit wrong, messed up Heterodoxy, and ended as an #EconBlocker.
Debunking Squaredhttps://t.co/WP0GvLkq4d#FireEconomists pic.twitter.com/VAop9vjkyf
July 9, 2021
MMTers at the end of their wits
July 8, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Economics is and has always been fake science
#TheScientistIsNoActivist#TheActivistIsNoScientist#Economics is and has always been #FakeScience. #Economists are and have always been #Clowns/#AgendaPushers/#UsefulIdiots in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 8, 2021
Politics corrupts science, always and everywherehttps://t.co/UdAeo2HUJx pic.twitter.com/tykPP8DCuU
Occasional Tweets: Economists ― the dumbest excuse for scientific failure ever
#Econ#FailedScience#FakeScience#Economists are too stupid for the elementary #Algebra of #MacroFoundations. Because of this, they get the foundational concept of #Profit wrong. Because of this, the whole of #Economics is scientifically worthless. ⇒https://t.co/QJycQUh0Uj
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 8, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Economists are too stupid for science
#Economics#FailedScience#FakeScience#Economists are too stupid for the elementary #Algebra of #MacroEconomics. Because of this, they get the foundational concept of #Profit wrong. Because of this, the whole of economics is scientifically worthless. pic.twitter.com/FdKRmWiGrg
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 8, 2021
July 7, 2021
Occasional Tweets: Young scientists watch out
Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aufgepasst #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, #MMT, #Pluralism are mutually contradictory, axiomatically false, and materially/formally inconsistent. #Economics is NOT #Science but proto-scientific garbage since A.Smith/K.Marx.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) July 7, 2021