— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 30, 2022
Keynes―Marx―Profit: The abysmal scientific failure of economicshttps://t.co/ps2MeC9d4M
This blog connects to the AXEC Project which applies a superior method of economic analysis. The following comments have been posted on selected blogs as catalysts for the ongoing Paradigm Shift. The comments are brought together here for information. The full debates are directly accessible via the Blog-References. Scrap the lot and start again―that is what a Paradigm Shift is all about. Time to make economics a science.
June 30, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Marx and Keynes and economists' inability to get rid of proto-scientific garbage for good
Occasional Tweets: Because they never understood what profit is, economists never understood how capitalism works
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 30, 2022
For 200+ years, #Economists have had no idea what #Profit is. So, economics is scientifically worthless. This applies also to P. Boettke's paper Capitalism.
Profit Law: The most powerful formula of economicshttps://t.co/lnw6QFadOE pic.twitter.com/Tm08Q3Je9m
June 29, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle homo oeconomicus (II)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 29, 2022
Economics is NOT a social science but a systems science.
Homo oeconomicus: the never-ending folk-psychological shitshowhttps://t.co/QCJtT0MEFh
Occasional Tweets: From Adam Smith onward to this very day, economists get macroeconomic profit wrong
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 28, 2022
The Levy/Kalecki Profit Equation is falsehttps://t.co/cTbCmCsiI7
The page where Stephanie Kelton gets macroeconomics wrong https://t.co/CNFDkXM1Ki
Occasional Tweets: Economic policy guidance has never had sound scientific foundations (IV)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 29, 2022
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, and #MMT are axiomatically false and materially/formally inconsistent. Economic policy guidance NEVER has had sound scientific foundations. pic.twitter.com/TepLiqYxhO
Occasional Tweets: The representative economist is in the disinfotainment business
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 29, 2022
For all those who doubt that the representative #Economist is in the #DisInfoTainment business, Fabio Ghironi delivers the final proof.#DefundEconomics#FireEconomists#ScrapTheLot
June 28, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economics and Western Values ― a specification
There is #WesternValuesUSA and #WesternValuesEUR. Both are NOT identical. Sovereignty/peace/freedom/culture/prosperity are EUR values. The EUR way forward is to end the #Weaponization of energy, food, water, raw materials, money, media, entertainment, sport, art, morals, science.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 28, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Science has been captured, corrupted, and weaponized, her first task is to regain sovereignty
“we ― as a society ― ‘should’ support science”. #Science has been captured, corrupted, and weaponized by political #AgendaPushers. This applies first of all to #Economics. The first task of science is to regain her #Sovereignty.⇒https://t.co/RFtYopqAqzhttps://t.co/9ULBd5oUDj
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 28, 2022
June 27, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not a guide to living
#Economics#FakeScience#Utility is a psychological/sociological/philosophical concept. Economics is about how the economic #System works. It is NOT a #SocialScience but a #SystemsScience. #Economists never got their foundational concepts right. ⇒https://t.co/5K0YAuqmZ3
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 27, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to sell economics as social/behavioral science (II)
Economics is NOT a social sciencehttps://t.co/zJHeQboYGH
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 27, 2022
and NOT about individual human behaviorhttps://t.co/MzGiF9gpXa#Economics is about how the economic #System works. #Economists are too stupid to realize that they are for 200+ years trapped in the false Paradigm.
Occasional Tweets: Why the intellectual level of economics has always been sub-zero
Time to realize that #Economics is not ― and never has been ― about #Science / #Truth / #Knowledge. It is about #AgendaPushing for the #Oligarchy. #Economists are NOT #Scientists but #Clowns / #UsefulIdiots in the political #CircusMaximus. pic.twitter.com/ocJ03c0DbY
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 27, 2022
June 26, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle the production function (I)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 26, 2022
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. And the #ProductionFunction is an essential part of it.
Putting the production function back on its feethttps://t.co/kscjK6JNQQ
June 25, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (IV)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 25, 2022
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, and #MMT are axiomatically false and materially/formally inconsistent. #Economics is scientifically worthless. pic.twitter.com/flCNj0PuCV
June 22, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economists don't get macroeconomics right to this very day
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 22, 2022
Both #MicroEconomics and #MacroEconomics are axiomatically false. #Economists are too stupid for #Science. #Economics needs a #ParadigmShift from false Walrasian #MicroFoundations and false Keynesian #MacroFoundations to #TrueMacrofoundations. ⇒https://t.co/Lj85oSJUY6 pic.twitter.com/biaQyp8gVr
For more about macrofoundations see AXECquery.
Occasional Tweets: There are still folks around who have not realized that DSGE models are proto-scientific garbage
#Econ#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, #MMT are mutually contradictory, axiomatically false, materially/formally inconsistent. And there are still folks around who have not realized that DSGE models are proto-scientific garbage. ⇒https://t.co/wUZPePdQFM pic.twitter.com/oKrlynYSps
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 22, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not a social science, economists are not scientists but stupid/corrupt political agenda pushers
Economics is NOT a social sciencehttps://t.co/zJHeQboYGH
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 22, 2022
and NOT about individual human behaviorhttps://t.co/MzGiF9gpXa#Economics is about how the economic #System works. To this day, #Economists have no clue because they are trapped in the false Paradigm. pic.twitter.com/lSA4Sg2WH4
June 19, 2022
Occasional Tweets: As scientific losers, economists have nothing to say about human progress
#Economics is #FailedScience/#FakeScience, so #Economists are in NO position to give economic policy advice. Moreover, they NEVER had any mandate to dabble in #Politics (→ J. S. Mill). As failed/fake scientists they have not enough standing to lecture anybody on human progress. pic.twitter.com/d783XNFWn8
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 19, 2022
Occasional Tweets: After 200+ years, economists still don't get the sectoral balances right
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 19, 2022
The graph is false because #Profit ― the all-important #Balance of the #BusinessSector ― is missing. This is either scientific incompetence or political fraud.
Down with idiocy!https://t.co/hqVhuAXz8l
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Cambridge economics
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 19, 2022
Cambridge has always been better at drinking than thinking. Bc #Keynes was too stupid for the elementary #Algebra of #MacroFoundations, he got the concept of #Profit wrong. Bc of this, the whole of #Macro/#Micro is scientifically worthless. pic.twitter.com/zoG3a1M4pG
June 18, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economists are trapped in the PsySoc Paradigm
Economics is NOT a social sciencehttps://t.co/zJHeQboYGH
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 18, 2022
and NOT about individual human behaviorhttps://t.co/MzGiF9gpXa#Economics is about how the economic #System works. To this day, #Economists have no clue because they are trapped in the false Paradigm. pic.twitter.com/CtQzcFqX4A
June 16, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economists don't solve problems they are the problem
From this country come functional cars but NO functional #Economists. #Economics is #FailedScience. The major approaches are axiomatically false and materially/formally inconsistent.#NapoleonRule: “When there are serious problems to solve, keep economists out of the way.” pic.twitter.com/wzJoIv989X
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 16, 2022
June 15, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Price and profit theory are false for 200+ years, so is inflation theory
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 15, 2022
The macroeconomic #LawOfSupplyAndDemand and the #ProfitLaw tell one exactly how #Price P and #Profit Qm increase as a function of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation i.e. of the expenditure ratio ρE (→ elementary formulas). pic.twitter.com/8LO71xOK5x
June 14, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Brainpower and hard work are hallucinatory characteristics of the representative economist
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, #MMT are axiomatically false and materially/formally inconsistent. #Economics is scientifically worthless. #Economists are just politically #UsefulIdiots pic.twitter.com/5x7T5eqVR9
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 14, 2022
![]() |
Source: Screenshot from Goodreads |
Occasional Tweets: What does an econ degree prove?
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 14, 2022
A degree in #Econ certifies that you can swallow any amount of proto-scientific garbage.
Econ 101: Economists flunk the intelligence test at the first hurdlehttps://t.co/BTQxySrNgI
June 10, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science, economists are not scientists but politically useful idiots
#Economics claims to be #Science. #Economists are supposed to figure out how the #Economy works. They failed for 200+ years bc they are NOT #Scientists but political #AgendaPushers. #PunishPutin / #RuinRussia is NOT economics. pic.twitter.com/ricx1CYOuU
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 10, 2022
June 8, 2022
Occasional Tweets: What does Paradigm Shift mean for economics?
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, #MMT are axiomatically false, materially/formally inconsistent, and ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics needs a #ParadigmShift. pic.twitter.com/xqB1ZlZXWj
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 8, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Milton Friedman (II)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 8, 2022
Milton Friedman never understood how the profit- and price mechanism works. Like most #Economists, he was just a politically #UsefulIdiot.
Milton Friedman, fake scientisthttps://t.co/Cd3gu2jTGF
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Post Keynesianism (II)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 8, 2022
Why Post Keynesianism Is Not Yet a Sciencehttps://t.co/Enj3OnlOWK
Occasional Tweets: Mathiness is not the fatal methodological flaw of economics ― mathematical incompetence is
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 8, 2022
Dear Mr. Wisdom,
it obviously escaped your attention that #MicroEconomics and #GameTheory have been proven to be mathematically flawed. See
Pure Economics
by Jonathan Barzilaihttps://t.co/KypQgKSQc8
Your #Wisdom is actually #ProtoScientificGarbage.
June 7, 2022
Occasional Tweets: Growing public debt is good ― for the Oligarchy
This is the U.K’s national debt clock.
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) June 7, 2022
We owe £2.684 trillion
And it’s increasing by £5,170 per second.
🤡https://t.co/JipABjFbEp pic.twitter.com/2ZqwD0kH1G
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #PrivateFinancialWealth grows in lockstep with #PublicDebt which is the permanent interest #CashCow for the #Oligarchy. #WeThePeople owes the #Debt, #Oligarchy owns the #FinancialAssets. pic.twitter.com/0mNGjPZu63
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 7, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The credibility of economists is zero
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 7, 2022
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, #MMT are axiomatically false and materially/formally inconsistent. #Economics is scientifically worthless. The credibility of #Economists is ZERO.
Occasional Tweets: The effect of economic warfare on macroeconomic profit
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 7, 2022
The 4-sector #ProfitLaw Qm≡(G−T)+(I−S)+(EX−IM)+Yd implies that when nominal export EX increases and import IM decreases macroeconomic #Profit Qm increases. This is the case with RUS. As a mirror image, macro profit of USA/EUR decreases.
June 3, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Kalecki (II)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 3, 2022
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. Kalecki got #MacroFoundations wrong and has been buried long ago at the Flat-Earth-Cemetery.
Cross-references Kaleckihttps://t.co/IFclXX52ux
June 2, 2022
Occasional Tweets: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (III)
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism, #MMT are axiomatically false, materially/formally inconsistent, and ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics needs a #ParadigmShift. pic.twitter.com/wFRaNCdzyX
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) June 2, 2022