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Source: Michael Robert's Blog |
This blog connects to the AXEC Project which applies a superior method of economic analysis. The following comments have been posted on selected blogs as catalysts for the ongoing Paradigm Shift. The comments are brought together here for information. The full debates are directly accessible via the Blog-References. Scrap the lot and start again―that is what a Paradigm Shift is all about. Time to make economics a science.
September 29, 2020
Economists’ scientific incompetence is worse than the plague
September 28, 2020
Occasional Tweets: MMT refuted
I am the person who proved that #MMT is proto-scientific garbage, that #MMTers are too stupid for elementary math, and that they are politically corrupt because they pretend that MMT policy is for #WeThePeople while it is for the #Oligarchy. Details:https://t.co/9Rldtrw2J1 pic.twitter.com/emsrquGz7L
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 26, 2020
You, of course, are too stupid for elementary algebra but if any MMTer from the academic corps can point to an error in the refutation he should step forward. NO MMTer ever did, NO MMTer ever will. pic.twitter.com/7H2nA8vLLy
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 27, 2020
September 25, 2020
The unconditional surrender/sellout of science
September 17, 2020
Governance, then and now
September 16, 2020
Psychologism: how morons explain the world
September 15, 2020
Occasional Tweets: #EconTwitter and #EconBlocker
You're such a bore, @AXECorg. I've never blocked anyone apart from a very misogynist guy, but gosh I do understand why more than half of the #EconTwitter has blocked you. Why can't you be a bit more productive? No one will take time to read your blogs if you keep this approach.
— Carolina Alves (@cacrisalves) September 15, 2020
September 13, 2020
Let's bury economics now
Putin or Trump — who is owned by the Oligarchy?
Occasional Tweets: Most economists are not scientists but political agenda pushers (I)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 13, 2020
Economics is NOT a science. Economists are NOT scientists but stupid/corrupt agenda pushers.
Economics: The greatest scientific hoax in modern timeshttps://t.co/S3ErelutCa pic.twitter.com/htg7tvgYM4
September 12, 2020
Bang — the representative economist and supply-demand-equilibrium are dead
“You can make even a parrot into a learned political economist – all he must learn are the two words ‘supply’ and ‘demand’.” (Anon. in Samuelson 1973)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 12, 2020
“You cannot teach a parrot to be an economist simply by teaching it to say ‘supply’ and ‘demand’.” (Anon. in Samuelson 2010)
September 11, 2020
MMT: the Oligarchy's latest beauty treatment
September 10, 2020
The tragedy of economics: stupid/corrupt economists
September 7, 2020
Occasional Tweets: Meet the MMT sales team
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 7, 2020
Because of the #ProfitLaw, i.e. #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit, the MMT policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. More detailshttps://t.co/F9uHrcRyWdhttps://t.co/3x9c31peUB
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 7, 2020
It is rather trivial that the CBank never runs out of money. But #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is nonetheless a political fraud. See
A beginner’s guide to MMThttps://t.co/gbv89V4XZQ#PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit pic.twitter.com/ewRNogXsre
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 8, 2020
No need to prove every day that you are on the MMT sales team for #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation.
Very busy these days: Wall Street’s agentshttps://t.co/JPTIXEodbW
September 6, 2020
MMT and the unbearable lightness of public debt slavery
Occasionat Tweets: Stop thinking like an economist
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 5, 2020
200+ years of ‘thinking like an economist’ have not led to an understanding of what profit ― the foundational concept of economics ― is. That’s not exactly a proof for the smartness of economists, just the opposite. For details seehttps://t.co/3x9c31peUB
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 6, 2020
Buchanan was not only a member of Mont Pelerin but also on the payroll of the Oligarchy. This is what he called his colleagues
Economists: “a bevy of camp-following whores”https://t.co/tBQHMtyKpv
This is good description of Mont Pelerin members.
September 3, 2020
Occasional Tweets: Politics corrupts science, always and everywhere (I)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 3, 2020
Clearly, these 81 Nobelists are NOT aware of what science is all about and what scientific ethics implies. They are but clowns and useful idiots in the political Circus Maximus. Science, too, has become part of a clown show.
— Rüdiger Kuhnke (@KuhnkeRuediger) September 16, 2020
24 winners of the Turing Award, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of computing, endorse Biden. They cite Trump's anti-immigrant policies that are keeping out students, scientists, inventors.
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) September 20, 2020
First time Turing Award laureates have endorsed a candidatehttps://t.co/UWLJGw6xFM
Scientific American has never endorsed a presidential candidate in our 175-year history—until now.
— Scientific American (@sciam) September 15, 2020
The 2020 election is literally a matter of life and death. We urge you to vote for health, science and Joe Biden for President.https://t.co/8TlH7shjFn
13 Nobel Prize-winning economists back Bidenhttps://t.co/ARNANds60I
— Axios (@axios) September 22, 2020
I'm seeing a pattern:
— Erik Brynjolfsson (@erikbryn) September 25, 2020
"Thirteen Nobel Prize-winning economists said Tuesday they are backing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s economic agenda"https://t.co/89GH277LaW pic.twitter.com/pPXcIid5ko
For details of the big picture see cross-references Political Economics/Stupidity/Corruption
The Unz Review Sep 26
Bye, bye economic philosophers
No false-hero memorials (III)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) September 5, 2020