The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the growth of #PublicDebt generates macro #Profit Q i.e. secures the Oligarchy's self-alimentation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 31, 2023
This blog connects to the AXEC Project which applies a superior method of economic analysis. The following comments have been posted on selected blogs as catalysts for the ongoing Paradigm Shift. The comments are brought together here for information. The full debates are directly accessible via the Blog-References. Scrap the lot and start again―that is what a Paradigm Shift is all about. Time to make economics a science.
May 31, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (VIII)
Occasional Tweets: Scrap the EconNobel (III)
#Econ#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is scientifically worthless. Economic policy guidance has never had sound scientific foundations
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 31, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (XXVIII)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 31, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the #MMT policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. #PrivateFinancialWealth grows with #PublicDebt that becomes an eternal #Interest #CashCow.
May 30, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (VII)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the growth of #PublicDebt generates macro #Profit Q i.e. secures the Oligarchy's self-alimentation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 30, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (VI)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the growth of #PublicDebt generates macro #Profit Q i.e. secures the Oligarchy's self-alimentation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 30, 2023
May 29, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (V)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the growth of #PublicDebt generates macro #Profit Q i.e. secures the Oligarchy's self-alimentation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 29, 2023
May 28, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Most economists are not scientists but political agenda pushers (XII)
#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Economic policy guidance has NEVER had sound scientific foundations. #Economists are only #Clowns in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 28, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science but disinfotainment (XIV)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 28, 2023
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Economics is #FakeScience. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (IV)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the growth of #PublicDebt generates macro #Profit Q i.e. secures the Oligarchy's self-alimentation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 28, 2023
May 27, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science but disinfotainment (XIII)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 27, 2023
Ibn Khaldun is not the forerunner of economics as a science. The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure.
The long genealogical tree of economic storytelling
May 26, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is at odds with scientific ethics (III)
#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Academic economics is a rigged institution & #PeerReview is the selection mechanism for its self-preservation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 26, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (III)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. The growth of #PublicDebt generates macro #Profit Q: Will the O-folks commit suicide with the #DebtLimit?
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 26, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is at odds with scientific ethics (II)
#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Academic economics is a rigged institution & #PeerReview is the selection mechanism for its self-preservation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 26, 2023
May 25, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is at odds with scientific ethics (I)
#Econ#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Economic policy guidance has NEVER had sound scientific foundations.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 25, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science but disinfotainment (XII)
#Econ#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is #FailedFakeScience. The self-hype of #Economists as champions of human decency are just #DisInfoTainment.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 25, 2023
May 24, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The marketing of economics as a science is gradually coming to the end
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 24, 2023
“ChatGPT as marketing triumph … Maybe they like it, especially if they are sick of more and more of the economy being run by marketers.”
Reminder: The promotion of #Economics as a #Science has been one of the greatest marketing triumphs ever. ⇒
May 23, 2023
Occasional Tweets: No false-hero memorials (XV)
#Economics#FailedFakeScience#MacroFoundations#Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong because he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. Because of this, #MacroEconomics is scientifically worthless to this day. After-Keynesians never got it. Robert Lucas was one of them.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 23, 2023
May 22, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (II)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy with Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness as integral parts. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the growth of #PublicDebt generates #Profit. Q: Will they commit suicide with the #DebtLimit? Hardly.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 22, 2023
Occasional Tweets: As failed/fake scientists economists are in no position to make the world a better place (II)
#Econ#Incompetence#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Bc of this, #Economics is scientifically worthless, & economic policy guidance has NEVER had sound foundations.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 22, 2023
May 20, 2023
Occasional Tweets: One who rides the debt tiger can never dismount
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy which is the #LifeFormula of #Capitalism. Adherence to the #DebtCeiling would be #Suicide for the so-called #FreeMarketEconomy.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 20, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Most economists are not scientists but political agenda pushers (XI)
#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Economic policy guidance has NO scientific foundations. The representative #Economist is a #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 20, 2023
May 19, 2023
Occasional Tweets: True macrofoundations (IV)
#Econ#Economics is #FailedFakeScience. The various #MicroFoundations approaches are axiomatically false. So are Keynesian #MacroFoundations. For the inescapable #ParadigmShift to the true set of macroeconomic #Axioms see cross-references
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 19, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science but disinfotainment (XI)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 19, 2023
“Economics is the study of the economy, not the study of economists.” (R. Reis)
The major approaches are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is proto-scientific garbage. The representative #Economist is a #PolitClown.
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science but disinfotainment (X)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 19, 2023
“…the little extra stories you can tell in the classroom that will hopefully make students laugh & be more interested.” This is what #Economics has become: a hodgepodge of #DisInfoTainment.#DefundEconomics#FireEconomists
Occasional Tweets: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (X)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 19, 2023
What determines the level of #AggregateProfit? #Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong because he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. Bc of this, #Economics is scientifically worthless to this day. #Monetarism is NO exception. ⇒
May 18, 2023
Occasional Tweets: No false-hero memorials (XIV)
#Economics#FailedFakeScience#MacroFoundations#Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong because he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. Because of this, #MacroEconomics is scientifically worthless to this day. After-Keynesians never got it. Robert Lucas was one of them.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 18, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Zero-growth means breakdown
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 18, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy i.e. growing #PublicDebt is the existential prerequisite for #LateCapitalism i.e. #ZeroGrowth means #BreakDown.
May 17, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics ― just disinfotainment and self-hype (IV)
The major approaches are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Bc of this, #Economics is scientifically worthless, & economic policy guidance has NEVER had sound foundations. #WhatEconomistsReallyDo is vacuous #SelfHype.#DefundEconomics
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 17, 2023
May 15, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Nobel-hype does not help ― economics is failed/fake science
#Economics#FailedFakeScience#EconNobel#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is scientifically worthless. Links ⇒
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 15, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Most economists are not scientists but political agenda pushers (X)
#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is scientifically worthless. The representative #Economists is NOT a #Scientist but a #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 15, 2023
Dear Psycho-Economists, inflation is not determined by expectations but by the macroeconomic Law of Supply and Demand
#LearnEconomics#Inflation is a #MacroEconomic phenomenon. Attached is the axiomatically correct elementary #LawOfSupplyAndDemand. It tells one that neither #Employment nor #Expectations nor the #QuantityOfMoney is among the #PriceDeterminants.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 15, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (XXVII)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 15, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy.
Down with idiocy!
May 14, 2023
Occasional Tweets: No false-hero memorials (XIII)
#Econ#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is scientifically worthless. Economic policy guidance never has had sound scientific foundations
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 14, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Most economists are not scientists but political agenda pushers (XI)
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. The major approaches are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Econ is scientifically worthless. The representative #Economist is not a #Scientist but a #PolitClown.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 14, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Chicago is still a leading producer of proto-scientific garbage
#Economics is #FailedFakeScience. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but a #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus. Friedman is a case in point.⇒
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 14, 2023
After some rebranding, Chicago is still a leader in the production of proto-scientific garbage.
Occasional Tweets: Economics is not science but disinfotainment (IX)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 14, 2023
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus. The Friedman/Tobin #Inflation #TalkShow is just another example.
Occasional Tweets: Control of the fiat money system ― the exact spot where the fraud happens
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 14, 2023
The problem is NOT centrally produced fiat money. The point is whether it is injected at the supply side/wage bill (→ right) or on the demand side via #DeficitSpending (→ wrong).
Criminals and the monetary order
May 13, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Adam Smith ― the founding father of feelie-goodie blather
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 13, 2023
This virtue stuff is NOT #Economomics, NOT #Science, NOT #Philosophy but tautological feelie-goodie blather.#NoFalseHeroMemorials
Occasional Tweets: Dear Psycho-Economists, profit does not come from greed but from deficit-spending / money-creation
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 13, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. #Profit in the so-called #FreeMarketEconomy does NOT come from #Greed but from the #State i.e. #Treasury / #CB.
Occasional Tweets: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (IX)
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. The “fantastic event @GoldsmithsUoL on Vicky Chick and Geoff C. Harcourt’s works and legacy” is just another proof. The representative #Economist is an #AgendaPusher / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 13, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The economics of media / journalism
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 13, 2023
The economic reality for 100+ yrs is that #Media / #Journalists are owned by the Oligarchy and their function is #DisInfoTainment. The stories of heroic #Journalists who fight for #Truth / #Humanity are just journalistic #SelfHype.
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Keynesianism (XIX)
#Econ#FailedFakeScience#ScientificIncompetence#Economics is NOT a #MoralScience but #FailedFakeScience. #Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong bc he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. The whole of #Economics i.e. micro/macro is scientifically worthless to this day.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 13, 2023
May 12, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Keynesianism (XVIII)
#Economics#FailedFakeScience#Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong because he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. #Keynesians don't get it to this day.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 12, 2023
Why Post Keynesianism Is Not Yet a Science
Occasional Tweets: Inspired by Marx and Keynes? ― how economists expose themselves as incompetent scientists
#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economists are NOT #Scientists but #AgendaPushers / #Clowns in the political #CircusMaximus. ⇒
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 12, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The common cause of macroeconomic price and profit increases
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 12, 2023
The macroeconomic #LawOfSupplyAndDemand and the #ProfitLaw tell one exactly how avg #Price P & total #Profit Qm move as a function of avg #WageRate W, avg Productivity R & overall #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation ρE ― which is the common cause.
Occasional Tweets: Economic policy guidance has never had sound scientific foundations (XV)
#Economics is #FailedFakeScience. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 12, 2023
Economics: The greatest scientific fraud in modern times
Occasional Tweets: Economic policy guidance has never had sound scientific foundations (XIV)
#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Economic policy guidance has NO sound scientific foundations. #Economists are just #AgendaPushers / #Clowns in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 12, 2023
May 11, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (XXVI)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 11, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. If gov spending G increases and taxes T decreases macroeconomic #Profit Q goes to #Maximum. #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation i.e. growing #PublicDebt is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy.
May 10, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (XXV)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 10, 2023
The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus. Many #MMTers are also still #EconBlockers.
The page where Stephanie Kelton gets macroeconomics wrong
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Keynesianism (XVII)
#Economics#FailedFakeScience#MacroFoundations#NoFalseHeroMemorials#Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong bc he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. After-Keynesians don't get it to this day. Cross-ref ⇒
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 10, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Never change a winning business model
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, the policy of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation i.e. growing #PublicDebt is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. Therefore, “The United States is not going to default. It never has and it never will.”
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 10, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Deficit-spending/money-creation is always a bad deal for WeThePeople ― to paint it green makes no difference
#PublicDebt increases for 200+ yrs. The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation i.e. growing #Debt is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy & a #BadDeal for #WeThePeople. ⇒
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 10, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Economics needs a Paradigm Shift but economists are unable to do that because it amounts to self-annihilation
#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism et al. are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 10, 2023
May 9, 2023
Occasional Tweets: It is beginning to dawn on some academic economists that they themselves messed up economics
For 200+ yrs, #Economics is #FailedFakeScience. The various #MicroFoundations approaches are axiomatically false. So are Keynesian #MacroFoundations. ALL got #Profit wrong. For the inescapable #ParadigmShift to the true set of macroeconomic #Axioms see ref
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 9, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Most economists are not scientists but political agenda pushers (X)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 9, 2023
The idea to turn off the gas tap and create an ARTIFICIAL #Scarcity was originally (2016) by Mr. Habeck. So, there is NO such thing as an “emergency shortage”. Also, #Transformation is NOT #ClimatePolicy but #ForeignPolicy.
May 8, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Disentangling the Zero-Sum Fallacy
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 8, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy. #WeThePeople owes the #PublicDebt and is eternally taxed for #Interest, #Oligarchy owns the #FinancialAssets.
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle political economics (III)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 8, 2023
The major approaches are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is NOT #Science. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus. Lucas is a good example.
Occasional Tweets: J. S. Mill was a champion of science (I)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 8, 2023
J. S. Mill was a champion of #Science and made it clear to his stupid/corrupt fellow economists that political #AgendaPushing was antithetical to science.
Mill's reminder ― economics as a science has no political mandate
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Hayek (VIII)
#Econ#Economics is #FailedFakeScience. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 8, 2023
Hayek was not an economist
Occasional Tweets: Is the US-Oligarchy suicidal? (I)
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation is a #FreeLunch for the #Oligarchy which is the #LifeFormula of #Capitalism. Adherence to the #DebtCeiling would be #Suicide for the so-called #FreeMarketEconomy.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 8, 2023
May 7, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle Adam Smith (XXVI)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 7, 2023
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. Adam Smith NEVER understood what #Profit is and how the economic #System works. Economic policy guidance NEVER has had sound scientific foundations. ⇒
Occasional Tweets: Economics ― just disinfotainment and self-hype (III)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 7, 2023
The major approaches are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. #Economics is NOT #Science. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.#DefundEcon
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle von Mises (III)
#Economics#FailedFakeScience#Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. von Mises never figured out what profit is and this is absolutely self-disqualifying for an #Economist.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 7, 2023
Occasional Tweets: Clueless economists / Phillips Curve (V)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 7, 2023
Due to the lack of correct #MacroFoundations, Samuelson et al. in their scientific incompetence messed up the original #PhillipsCurve. Neither Krugman nor Eggertson realized it to this day.
NAIRU, wage-led growth, and Samuelson's Dyscalculia
May 6, 2023
Occasional Tweets: No false-hero memorials (XII)
#Marx never came to grips with #Profit.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 6, 2023
Karl Marx, fake scientist
Capitalism, poverty, exploitation, and cross-over exploitation
Here is the long-overdue scientific death certificate for Marx and Marxists
Occasional Tweets: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (VIII)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 6, 2023
The major approaches are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. The representative #Economist is NOT a #Scientist but an #AgendaPusher / #UsefulIdiot / #Clown in the political #CircusMaximus.#DefundEconomics
Occasional Tweets: There is nothing to celebrate on Macro Day
#Econ#FailedFakeScience#MacroFoundations#Keynes got macroeconomic #Profit wrong bc he was too stupid for elementary #Algebra. To this day, the whole of #MacroEconomics is scientifically worthless.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 6, 2023
⇒ cross-references
Occasional Tweets: The economist's point of view is still scientifically worthless
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 6, 2023
The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure. #Walrasianism, #Keynesianism, #Marxianism, #Austrianism are axiomatically false & materially/formally inconsistent & ALL got #Profit wrong. Economics is scientifically worthless to this day.
May 5, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The 'eternal' self-alimentation of the Oligarchy ― how does it work? (I)
The US political system is an #Oligarchy. Congress/Treasury/Fed/BigBusiness are integral parts of it. The #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. Increasing #PublicDebt generates #Profit/#Interest as a #FreeLunch ie enables eternal #SelfAlimentation.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 5, 2023
Occasional Tweets: The basics about inflation (V)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 5, 2023
The macroeconomic #LawOfSupplyAndDemand and the #ProfitLaw tell one exactly how avg #Price P & total #Profit Qm move as a function of avg #WageRate W, avg Productivity R & overall #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation ρE.
Occasional Tweets: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (XXIV)
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) May 5, 2023
The 3-sector #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. So, #PrivateFinancialWealth grows with #PublicDebt and in the form of #Bonds becomes the permanent interest #CashCow for the #Oligarchy. #Interest is taxed from #WeThePeople.