MMTers are beyond any doubt stupid, more specifically, scientifically incompetent. Put bluntly, they do not even get the elementary mathematics of national accounting right. For the full-spectrum refutation see Down with idiocy! and cross-references MMT.
The corruption of MMTers consists in the violation of scientific standards. Firstly, they pretend to fight for the benefit of the ninety-nine-percenters but in fact promote the cause of the one-percenters, see MMT = proto-scientific garbage + deception of the 99-percenters
Secondly, MMTers affirm open discussion but block refutation, opposition, and questioning on their blogs/accounts.* Here are some recent examples of blocking (Source Twitter, see captations)
Summary: With few exceptions, economists are either not aware of scientific standards or ignore/violate them. There is not much difference with regard to scientific competence respectively lack thereof between Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy.
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- Economist’s View
- EconoSpeak
- Uneasy Money
- Billy blog
- Real-World Economics Review blog
- Lars P. Syll blog
- Worthwhile Canadian Initiative
- The Baseline Scenario
- Social Democracy For The 21st Century
- Grasping Reality with Both Hands
- Stumbling and Mumbling
- Roger Farmer’s Economic Window
- evonomics
- Critical Macro Finance
- Institute for New Economic Thinking
- Naked Keynesianism
- The Conversation
- Information Transfer Economics
- Bloomberg View
- Dietrich Vollrath
- econblog101
- heteconomist
- Fresh Economic Thinking
- Robert Skidelsky
- Angry Bear
- Renegade Inc
- Social Europe
- The Everyday Economist
- Dani Rodrik’s weblog
- On the Economy
- New Economic Perspectives
There are recurring publications of Top 10/100 blogs which, however, use popularity/ prestige as main criteria and NOT genuine scientific quality. Whether blogs are manipulated is never asked or tested. So, in effect, Top 10/100 charts protect/promote ― intentionally/unintentionally does not matter ― fraudulent blogs.*
Blogs with a perfect track record of non-blocking/non-manipulation over a considerable time span have been
Related 'Economics: a science without scientists' and 'MMT and grassroots movements' and 'Economists, stupid or corrupt or both?' and 'The economist as stand-up comedian' and 'Again and again: economists are incompetent scientists' and 'Nothing to choose between Orthodoxy and traditional Heterodoxy' and 'Heterodoxy, too, is proto-scientific garbage' and 'Throw them out! Orthodox and heterodox economists are unfit for science' and 'Cryptoeconomics ― the best of Bill Mitchell’s spam folder' and 'Econblogosphere: The flawed Top 101'.
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Source: Lars P. Syll Blog |