September 16, 2024

Occasional Tweets: There is no such thing as economic sciences (III)


Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Profit (XLVI)


Occasional Xs: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (XXVIII)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Kalecki (VII)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXVIII)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Milton Friedman (XXVI)


September 15, 2024

Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Austrianism (XL)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Marx (XXXII)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLXI)


September 14, 2024

Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Marx (XXXI)


Occasional Xs: Forget supply-demand-equilibrium (XIII)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (CXVIII)


Occasional Xs: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (XXVII)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (CXVII)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLX)


September 13, 2024

Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Breakdown (V)


Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Employment (XI)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLIX)


Occasional Xs: The foul spirit of political economics (LXXXVI)


September 12, 2024

Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXVII)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXVI)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLVIII)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXV)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLVII)


September 11, 2024

Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Inflation (XXXII)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXIV)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Austrianism (XXXIX)


September 10, 2024

Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle MMT (CXVI)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Milton Friedman (XXV)


September 9, 2024

Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Hayek (XXII)


Occasional Xs: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (XXVI)


Occasional Xs: The history of economic thought is the history of scientific failure (XXV)


For details of the big picture see cross-references Failed/Fake Scientists.

Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLVI)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Hayek (XXI)


Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Science (CXII)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Milton Friedman (XXIV)


September 8, 2024

Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLV)


Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Inflation (XXXI)


September 7, 2024

Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXIII)


Occasional Xs: Paradigm Shift (XXXVII)


Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Philosophy (VII)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLIV)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXII)


September 6, 2024

Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Keynesianism (LX)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXXI)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXX)


September 5, 2024

Occasional Xs: Econ101― still proto-scientific garbage (V)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXIX)


Occasional Xs: The futile attempt to recycle Adam Smith (LXXIII)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXVIII)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLIII)


September 4, 2024

Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXVII)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXVI)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXV)


September 3, 2024

Occasional Xs: The foul spirit of political economics (LXXXV)


For details of the big picture see cross-references Political Economics/Stupidity/Corruption.

Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXIV)


Occasional Xs: How it works (CCXLII)


September 1, 2024

Occasional Xs: Clueless economists / Phillips Curve (XIII)


Also at Phil Magness 

Occasional Xs: Scrap the EconNobel (XVI)


Occasional Xs: What economists really do (CCCXXIII)