— E.K-H (@AXECorg) December 11, 2020
The mainstream #PolitBuro currently tells the academic underlings what the #Propaganda talking points are in the #StateOfException. Seehttps://t.co/gtHNBANDrNhttps://t.co/78CbJ4fCVU
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) December 11, 2020
“In economics, the debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio between a country's government debt and its gross domestic product.” (Wiki)
So, if you want to reduce the ratio while reducing the debt is impossible, you have to increase GDP. Simple!#ThinkingLikeAnEconomist
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) December 12, 2020
COV19 is a godsend for the #Oligarchy. The 3-sector macro #ProfitLaw Q≡(G−T)+(I−S)+Yd implies #PublicDeficitIsPrivateProfit. The current acceleration of #DeficitSpendingMoneyCreation will result in the biggest #Profit explosion ever.https://t.co/ABFUc41eMs
— Achim Truger (@AchimTruger) December 13, 2020