— E.K-H (@AXECorg) April 27, 2021
Apparently, there are 2 or 3 poor souls left who take the fake scientist and brain-dead agenda-pusher Krugman seriously.
Links on Paul Krugman, proto-scientific impresariohttps://t.co/RRYQuNSgTU pic.twitter.com/i9Jhh0faoJ
- Economists' scientific incompetence
- Economists’ scientific incompetence is worse than the plague
- Economists cannot properly apply scientific tools
- Economics has a science problem
- The CCC ― a monument of economists’ utter scientific incompetence
- Socialism and scientific incompetence
- Economics: Math is NOT the problem, scientific incompetence is
- MMT: How mathematical incompetence helps the Kelton-Fraud
- False models and true incompetence
- National Accounting: scientific incompetence or political fraud?
- MMT: scientific incompetence or political fraud?
- Economics: a hereditary mental disease with scientific incompetence as father and political fraud as mother
- Economics: 200+ years of scientific incompetence and fraud
- Ditch scientific incompetence!
- The fundamental problem of economics: scientific incompetence aka stupidity
- Economics: Two centuries of scientific incompetence
- The general theory of scientific incompetence
- What is dead certain in an uncertain world: economists’ abysmal incompetence
- Tobin, the tragedy of After-Keynesians, and the indelible mark of incompetence
- Unemployment ― the fatal consequence of economists’ scientific incompetence
- Marginalism is the landmark of scientific incompetence
- Mathiness is NOT the problem — scientific incompetence is
- Economists’ three-layered scientific incompetence
- Incompetence — the original sin in economics
- Complexity, scientific incompetence, and the art of asking the right questions
- Moral incompetence or scientific incompetence?
- Failure: method or incompetence?
- Yes, economists are really that stupid
- How the Intelligent Non-Economist Can Refute Every Economist Hands Down
- Marshall: a monument of scientific incompetence
- For details of the big picture see cross-references Scientific Incompetence
Twitter, 2 Sep, 2021 Krugman's cat ― economics for the for the mentally and
emotionally disturbed