You say: “Lol, but economists are storytellers!” #Storytelling is NOT #Science but #Propaganda/#BrainWashing/#Fraud. #Economists are NOT scientists but #Clowns/#UsefulIdiots in the political #CircusMaximus.
— E.K-H (@AXECorg) April 22, 2021
Storytelling / Propaganda / Agenda-Pushing / Deception / #DisInfoTainment / Blather
- Economics as storytelling and entertainment for the masses
- The long genealogical tree of economic storytelling
- Media-fake-farce-fraud-storytelling-macro
- Economics — from storytelling to science
- Politics, storytelling, and science
- Economic narratives are for the scientific garbage dump
- Storytelling vs Theory = Politics vs Science
- How to save the economy from storytelling economists
- Storytelling and facts
- The end of storytelling
- Economics: Stories, narratives, and disinformation
- Narrative economics and the imperatives of the sitcom
- Mental messies and loose losers
- The subtle distinction between storytelling and science
- Circus Maximus: Economics as entertainment, personality gossip, virtue signaling, and lifestyle promotion
- Failed economics: The losers’ long list of lame excuses
- Wikipedia, economics, scientific knowledge, or political agenda pushing?
- Economics: The greatest scientific fraud in modern times
- Links on the Economics Nobel
For more on communication see AXECquery.
Twitter Apr 23